The Ultimate Guide to Polyvore for Brands and Retailers I

Posted on the 22 January 2013 by Wishpond @Wishpond

Understanding Polyvore for Business

How popular is Polyvore?

  • 20+ million unique visitors per month
  • 2.4+ million sets created a month
  • Sets are viewed 1 billion times a month

How your business can benefit from Polyvore’s Statistics:

  • 43% of those 1 billion sets viewed are from blogs, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.
  • AND a set shared on Pinterest reaches 18 times the people and drives 2 times the traffic of a set shared on Facebook.
  • 26% of those clicked on the image and bought it directly from the retailers website.

Source: Polyvore. See Appendix A for infographic,

4 Polyvore ROIs for Business:

1. Give your customers a reason to purchase your products

Teach Your Audience how to put together a wardrobe. You can easily build collages of your products. For example, you could build a collection of how to wear your spring fashion line.

2. New Referral Traffic to your Website

The Products are linked back to your website which can drive sales. The average order placed from a Polyvore user is $220.

3. Reach to New Shoppers

Other people may use your products on their collages, which will appear on their Polyvore profile providing reach to potential leads. If they share their sets and collections on their other social networks, even more people are reached!

4.Learn about your target market through Polyvore’s Style Analytics

You can keep track of your brand’s impression, engagement and top items used on Polyvore under Style Analytics.

5 Tools to Achieve These ROIs

A simple editor that allows you to build collages of any images available on Polyvore.

A group of sets that you generally have under a certain theme. It allows you to organize your sets into specific topics.

A pattern or fram equipped with blank areas to fill with images, text, or designs. It’s a fast way to create a set that is well put-together and chic.

Online spaces where people with common interest can explore themes and engage in thought-provoking and creative activities (such as contests).

Are run out of Groups. Contests engage fans by having them create sets usually under a certain theme.

Getting Started

Creating an Account

You can connect with Facebook, Twitter, or or provide and email and password. It’s that simple.

Are my products on Polyvore already?

Your fans may have already uploaded some of your photos from your website. If not, that’s fine too – getting your products onto Polyvore is a simple process!

There are two ways to check if your products are already on Polyvore – check and “All Items” when building a set or collection.

While searching – if it states, “The brand you were looking for was not found!” in Style Analytics or, “No matching items found,” while under “All Items” then you’re going to have to upload your own.

All Items

Style Analytics

The Clipper Tool

What is the Clipper Tool?

The “clipper tool” is the tool that allows you to import your products from your website to Polyvore. People including yourself, your business, and your fans can put your products into their fashion collages.

Polyvore users help spread the reach of your brand by including your products in their sets and collections.

Installing the Clipper

1. To install the clipper, click here. you will see the link in blue near the top of the page.

2. Simply drag the link onto a space on your browser’s bookmarks toolbar.
3. It will appear like this: on your bookmarks toolbar.

That’s how easy it is to install!
Now, let’s get clipping.

Clipping your items to Polyvore

Step 1
First, go to your website.

Step 2
Then, navigate to the page with your desired products on it (ex. Shop, Women, Dresses, etc).

Step 3
Once you are on the correct page, click the “Clip to Polyvore” Clipper Tool.

Step 4
A pop-up box will appear with products and certain areas to input text. You can either upload many products at once, or one a time. You have the option to add a Title, Tags or Price to the items. Although remember if you are submitting them in bulk, the Title, Tags, and Price will all be marked the same.

Step 5
Fill in the areas you find applicable to your products and click save.

*NOTE: Do not “clip” products or images that you don’t want other people to use. All images are open for anyone on Polyvore to use. An image can’t be deleted off Polyvore once it has been clipped.

Style Analytics

What are style analytics?

Polyvore’s Style Analytics provides various data and insights into your brand on Polyvore. You can use these analytics to better understand your customers, potential leads, competitors, which items are most popular, and more.

1.Impressions: Are broken down day by day over a period of a month, which calculates how many people view your sets, collections, profile, etc. 

2.Engagements: Are broken down in the same way as impressions – day by day over a month’s period. Engagements refer to how many people are interacting with the brand/ retailer – which includes likes, saves, clips, and more!

3.Rank: Rank is the number that tells you how popular the brand/retailer is. As you can see, Topshop’s rank is 4. Which means Topshop is the 4th most popular brand on Polyvore.

4.Statistics: Rounds up the monthly amount of your Impressions and Engagements. On the graphs, it only says how many per day. The statistics adds up them up into monthly periods.

5.Brands ranked Closely: This is a cool feature that allows you to view brands that have similar impressions and engagements. It may open your eyes to some new competition!

6.Top items: Shows you which of your items on Polyvore are the most popular at the moment. It includes which ones have the most views, saves and sets.