The Ultimate Guide to Growing Winter Vegetables

Posted on the 02 February 2022 by Growseed @growseeduk

When you think of growing vegetables you might picture a garden full of tomatoes, lettuce, and potatoes when the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Growing vegetables in winter might not be the first thing you think of when the weather changes and temperatures drop...

But, planting a winter garden can be a wonderful chance to spend time outdoors during the cold season! No matter if you're already experienced with gardening, or you're curious to try something new, anyone can start their own winter garden.

In this article, we'll cover everything from what vegetables you can plant in winter and how to plant vegetables in winter to how to start your own winter garden in your own home.

So, let's start by exploring what vegetables you can plant in winter!

What Vegetables Can You Grow in Winter?

Even though we eat a lot of vegetables in the colder months, not everyone knows what vegetables you can plant during the winter months. Here is a list of the best vegetables to grow during winter:

Any of the vegetables on the list can be grown in winter but some people might be looking for vegetables that grow the quickest. But, what vegetables grow fast in winter?

What Vegetables Grow Fast in Winter?

When it comes to time efficiency you'll want to pick spinach, microgreens, lettuce, baby leaf crops, and beetroot. Now, you might be thinking, what are microgreens?

In case you're not familiar with the term, microgreens are often confused with sprouts. However, microgreens refer to a group of edible greens that are normally harvested less than a month after germination. They are usually only 2 inches tall.

The good news is, microgreens can be easily planted as long as you have a container and soil. They can also be planted outside under shade. That being said, if you live in an extremely cold climate you might want to opt for planting inside.

Here at Growseed we also provide a Winter Vegetable Kit with seed that can be started in Mid Summer and then transplanted outside during September, they will over winter with ease and are hardy enough in most cases to -10c for heavy frosts we do recommend some protection!

First harvests from our Winter Vegetable kits are expected in January / Febuary of course you can harvest in the darker November and December months is you sow well ahead of time 🙂

Winter Vegetable Seed Kit

As long as you follow these simple steps you can grow microgreens:

Firstly, you need to pick a spot with a warm, sunny location and a clean container. You can either buy a new one, or you can recycle one lying around your house. For example, you can use a take-out dish, or a fruit or salad box.

Steps for Growing Microgreens

  1. Buy seeds and make sure to read the instructions.
  2. Cover the bottom part of your container with one or two inches of moist potting soil.
  3. Flatten the soil with your hand.
  4. Place the seeds on top of the soil and press down gently with your fingers.
  5. Then, you should place extra soil over the top of the seeds.
  6. You can gently press down on the soil again.
  7. Leave the seeds for three to seven days and mister once daily.
  8. Once the seeds have sprouted you should continue to mister once a day.

If you're looking to grow microgreens in your home then these steps will help you grow them successfully. Just remember that microgreens need at least four hours of sunlight a day. In winter, they might need even more.

When your microgreens are ready all you need to do is harvest them. To harvest microgreens you should use scissors and cut the greens just above the soil. After that, you should wash them with water and dry them on a paper towel. Then, they're ready to eat!

How Do You Start a Winter Garden?

Even though growing microgreens inside is a perfectly good choice for winter vegetables, if you have the space you can also start your own winter garden.

Are you looking for tips in creating a winter garden? Then, keep reading to find out more!

Growing vegetables in winter are very different from growing vegetables at any other time of year such as spring or summer. So, your winter vegetables need extra protection from the cold weather and hostile growing conditions.


The first step in preparing your winter garden is making sure you organise the space well in advance. Even though the last thing on your mind when you're enjoying the sunshine in summer is the next frost it's important to plan your winter garden before winter starts.

Therefore, if you live in the northern hemisphere you should start planning in July. Whereas if you live in the southern hemisphere you should start organising your winter garden in January.

Research the First Frost in Your Location

Another important part of the planning process of a winter garden is finding out when the first frost is in your location. This is crucial to the growth of your crops as most vegetables will die when the first frost comes.

Normally you should plant your crops at least six to eight weeks before the first frost is due. If you're not sure when this is, you can always reach out to your local garden authorities to find out this information.

Alternatively, you can also research online. You can find most information you need with a quick search on the internet.

Prepare the Soil

Next, you have to prepare your soil. To do this, you can use a shovel and hoe to break up the soil. This is essential so the roots can loosen and so you can remove the roots of summer crops. After you've finished removing the roots you should dig a hole of six to eight inches.

For your winter vegetables to have the best chance of growth you need to make sure any leftover residue from past crops is removed from the soil so your winter crops can absorb the necessary nutrients.

Ensure the Location Is Right

Another key factor when picking the area of your winter garden is the draining qualities. Ideally, the location should be blocked from wind and in direct sunlight. If your area is south-facing and on a slop then you should have no problems.

However, if you don't have access to an area of well-draining soil then you can use a raised bed. When planting outside you shouldn't use containers as the roots can freeze in low temperatures.

You should also add compost to the soil to increase the nutrients and make it fresh for your winter vegetables.

Choose Your Vegetables

Once your winter garden is prepared you'll have to choose the vegetables you would like to plant. You can have a look at the list already mentioned before and pick a couple of your favourites. It's better to choose a variety so you have more options!

That means, you shouldn't only choose leaft greens but root vegetables as well.

Even though winter vegetables are most commonly planted in winter gardens you can also grow flowers. Adding flowers will add a splash of colour to your space and brighten up your mood when the dark weather starts.

Caring for Your Winter Garden

As with most plants, your winter vegetables won't need a lot of water. In fact, the soil should dry out in between watering and you should only water around 1 inch when it feels dry.

But, how can you tell if the soil is dry?

An easy trick is to poke a glove finger into the soil. If it stays dry up until your knuckle then you should give your plants some water.

When it comes to fertilizer you don't need to worry about adding any fertilizer during winter. As long as you prepared the soil correctly then you should have no issue with nutrients especially if you add extra compost.

In terms of light, your winter garden will need some light. So, don't assume that your crops will thrive in low-light conditions. If you notice that your vegetables start to wilt when you might want to consider adding a grow light.

You can easily find a growing light at your local garden store. Depending on the size of your winter garden then you need several growing lights.

Other FAQs For Winter Vegetables

Question: Can you grow potatoes in winter?

Answer: Yes! You can grow potatoes during winter in a green house. Alternatively, you can also grow them inside.

Question: Are there other winter garden method?

Answer: Yes! You can also use a greenhouse, cloches, row tunnels, wooden cold frame, and mulch.

Now you have everything you need to grow vegetables in winter and create your own winter garden. Have fun creating and enjoying your vegetables!