The Ultimate Gift Guide for 5-7 Year Old Boys

By Thesamanthashow

Men are hard to buy for, no matter what the age. I could stock my cart full with dolls, babies, and makeup for my daughter (she chooses to like those things, no gender roles assigned here), but when it comes to my son, it seems like it’s a lot harder! Enter the ultimate gift guide for 5-7 year old boys.

I never know how long he’s going to be into something. Is this too baby-ish now? Will he get bored with this? Is this too challenging?

So to make things easier for all of you, I’ve enlisted the help of my 5 soon-to-be 6 year old to help make the gift giving process a little easier this year! I tried to add a variety of items and cover all price points so you can choose what works best for you! And if worse comes to worse, you can always return things

Here were some of the toys he recommended; just click on the image below to shop! (affiliate links present):