The Tweleth Night Wager by Regan Walker- Review

By Gpangel @gpangel1
It was a dull day at White’s, the day he agreed to the wager: seduce bed and walk away from the lovely Lady Leisterfield, all by Twelfth Night. This holiday season, Christopher St. Ives, Viscount Eustace, planned to give himself a gift.
She was too proper by half—or so was the accusation of her friends, which was why her father had to find her a husband. But Lord Leisterfield was now gone a year, and Grace was at last shedding the drab colors of mourning. The house felt empty, more so during the coming Christmastide, and so tonight her coming out would begin with a scandalous piece of theater. The play would attract rogues, or so promised her friend the dowager countess. It would indeed. The night would bring about the greatest danger—and the greatest happiness—that Grace had ever known.

The Twelfth Night Wager by Regan Walker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Twelfth Night Wager by Regan Walker is a 2013 publication.
This book is a regency period Christmas novella with a little backbone. I had purchased this book last year with every intention of getting it read during the holiday season, but there were so many Christmas books released last year, I never got around to this one. I am so happy I was able to work this one into my reading schedule this holiday season because it is a really enjoyable romance.
Once I got started on this one I simply had to know how things were going to turn out. So, I read it in one sitting.
The Marquess of Ormond has challenged Christopher St. Ives , the Viscount Eustace, to a wager. He must seduce a lady of virtue by Twelfth Night or lose a thousand pounds. The Lady? Lady Leisterfield, a widow and a good friend of Ormond's wife. The proposal is to seduce, bed, and then walk way from this wonderful woman. Can Christopher win the bet? Well, he doesn't lack confidence, that's for sure.
Initially, I was outraged by this wager. The first thought that came to my mind was the set up in Dangerous Liaisons, and we all know how that turned out. But, somehow I knew Ormond was up to a little more mischief than he let on. He also told his wife, who in turn told Grace, giving Grace the advantage.
What Christopher doesn't count on is finding out the lady is being blackmailed over something her deceased husband did. If the truth were to come out, Grace's step-son would suffer terribly. When Christopher discovers the situation, his role as seducer must fade into the background so he can play the role of protector. Once he stops trying to seduce her, he and Grace find they are quite compatible, and something within Christopher begins to shift. Could he be falling in love with Grace?
Grace is quite aptly named, as she handles herself and her uncomfortable situation with incredible dignity and grace. Her strong character leads by example making Christopher want to be a better man. I loved seeing Christopher grow as a person, knowing that the life he was living was really dull, unfulfilled and sad. It took this unconventional wager by his close friend to open his eyes to all the things he was missing out on by falling in love with one woman. With the holiday theme as a backdrop, this book is just right for setting the mood for the spirit of Christmas. 4 stars.
I am an avid reader/reviewer of historical romance. And, since 2012, I am a published author. Check out my website:, and my blog:
My novels are Regencies, the Agents of the Crown trilogy, which feature dashing heroes who take on special assignments for a demanding Prince Regent; and medievals, beginning with THE RED WOLF'S PRIZE, to be released October 1st, 2014.
I hope my stories will sweep you away to another time and another place for history, adventure and love.
Praise for my novels:
“Ms. Walker has the rare ability to make you forget you are reading a book…the characters become real, the modern world fades away and all that is left is the intrigue, drama and romance.” Straight from the Library
"RACING WITH THE WIND is a superb historical romance, filled with passion, political intrigue, and a worthy hero and heroine!"
--CYNTHIA WRIGHT, Award Winning author
AGAINST THE WIND: "A fabulous tale with exciting twists and turns reflecting a little known event in England's history and, at its heart, a wonderful love story." --SHIRLEE BUSBEE, NY Times Bestselling author
WIND RAVEN: “A salty, sweeping, evocative tale of romance on the high seas—and a good old-fashioned love story that will keep you up far, far past your bedtime. So, reach for the coffee. Brava for Regan Walker!"
DANELLE HARMON, NY Times Bestselling author