The Travel Junkie’s Ultimate Bucket List

By Pacificprime @ThePacificPrime

The traveler needs a special kind of bucket list. She doesn’t need to make a list of the Seven Wonders of the World and mark them on a map. She’s probably seen most of them already, or else she knows more interesting places worth seeing, ones that don’t come with casinos and chain restaurants.

The traveler needs the kind of list that challenges and excites the mind. He knows where to find adventure outside himself, but sometimes neglects the adventures that can only be had within. Enter the alternative bucket list.

1. Learn a language

It’s not just about hanging with the locals, reading menus and renting scooters. Languages teach us to connect with others more effectively and to formulate thoughts in different ways. And, as Nelson Mandela once said, “if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Languages help us connect, which is what travel is all about.

2. Take a road trip

Road trips are a kind of travel all their own. If you’re accustomed to traveling by plane, you’re only getting a small part of the story. There’s a special kind of bond that is formed between two people when they pull into a trailer park at 4 a.m., throw their sleeping bags on the ground and crash out under the stars. It may be the ultimate way to connect (or reconnect) with a friend or lover.

3. Learn to feed yourself on the road

Too many travel junkies get caught up in the lure of cheap fast food. It may not be so bad if you’re traveling Southeast Asia, but can mean a significant spare tire if you’re in Australia, Canada or the U.S., for example. Be a supermarket ninja. Start visiting farmer’s markets and assembling sandwiches on crowded busses. Learn to love raw veggies.

4. Live abroad for a while

Ahem…that means staying in one country for more than a couple of weeks. It may also mean learning a language, making friends and, yes, even working for a little while. It takes time to understand a culture, to get into the underbelly and to find out what makes it tick. Stick it out. It might just be worth it.

5. Stay at a temple

Force yourself to internalize for a while, go inside. A temple stay gives you a small snippet of monastic life, an introduction to meditation, or even just the sacred nature of a steaming cup of afternoon tea, enjoyed in silence with strangers. It’s also dirt cheap in many countries.

6. Start writing

A common item on many travellers’ bucket lists is “write a book,” which is a bit of a daunting prospect. Just start writing. Get some of those adventures down on paper. Publish them on a blog or keep them in a journal and show them to your kids when you’re old and gray. The book can come later.

7. Start a business you can take on the road

It’s not too late to jump on the online business bandwagon, but it’s not the only option in terms of on-the-go income. Working as a freelancer or remote worker also allows freedom to travel. A mobile coffee stand is a great addition to any music festival, and will never lack for line-ups.

8. Learn the art of travel hacking and fly first class

Travel hacking means collecting points through various programs, credit cards, airline cards, grocery stores, etc., and trading them for free or upgraded flights, hotels, and exclusive perks. In the U.S., points are widely available and most people don’t understand how to properly take advantage of them. Get studying. A world of free travel awaits.

9. Complete a 365 project

Travel junkies can be fickle. They’re not known for finishing things. A 365 project is something you can do each day, one the road, at home or wherever. Take a photo each day, write a short journal entry, meditate for a few minutes. Whatever it is, commit to doing it daily and watch to see how it opens up your awareness and gives you a sense of satisfaction.

10. Invest in some training

Educational, training and spiritual vacations are a booming industry. What have you always wanted to learn or practice intensely? How about six weeks of yoga in Rishikesh? A seven-day tantric workshop in Costa Rica? Often, overseas learning is less expensive and allows you to throw yourself into your training completely, in ways you would never be able to do back home.