The Transformation of Megyn Kelly

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

It’s never a good thing when a journalist, instead of reporting the news, becomes instead a subject of news.

That’s the case with FoxNews’ Megyn Kelly, because of her continuing combativeness with Donald Trump.

I don’t watch FauxNews [sic] because I, intentionally, don’t have cable TV. So I wasn’t aware of recent changes in Kelly’s physical appearance, until FOTM readers pointed it out. (See “Strange Bedfellows on FoxNews” and “FAUX NEWS secretly supports illegal immigration“.)

So I went looking for pics of Kelly and compiled the “before” and “after” comparison below:

Yikes! What happened to her?

It’s more than the short hair and eye makeup. There’s been a spiritual transformation, and it’s not to the good . . . .

Wikipedia says Megyn Kelly, 45, has a law degree (J.D.) from Albany Law School. An Irish-Italian Roman Catholic, she has three children with her second husband. Politically, she identifies as an independent and says she has voted for both Democrats and Republicans.
