The Top 10 Posts of 2016

By Pureandsimplenourishment

Last year was the first year I posted a Top 10 Post for 2015 and I decided it was a good tradition to continue. So today's post is The Top 10 Posts of 2016. It's always interesting for me to see which posts you guys loved and which ones you didn't. A couple of these recipes went viral after being posted on much bigger blogs and websites than mine, including Mark Sisson's A Daily Apple, The Huffington Post, The Feedfeed and The Greastist, to name a few.
Did you see all of these posts? Have you tried any of the recipes? If so what did you think of them? I think my favorite dishes from this list include the Paleo Ranger Cookies, 10 Minute Blueberry Pork Chops and Roasted Honey Dijon Pecans. What do all of these recipes have in common? They are all really easy to make. And they taste amazing of course. But when it comes to healthy, everyday cooking, easy is key for me. We are all way too busy to be spending hours slaving away in the kitchen right? Right!

Being that it's January 2nd I better not ignore the fact that we have started a new year. Did you do anything fun for New Year's Eve? We didn't. We were totally lame and stayed in with the puppies. We didn't even stay up until midnight. I know, I know, such party animals.
I personally could care less about New Year's Eve. If you ask me it's an overpriced, overrated evening. Plus I like to be in bed before 11pm. Yes I am basically an old woman trapped in a 30 year old's body.  True fact my friends. But I know that some of you lead much more exciting lives than I do so please let me live vicariously through you and share your exciting stories in the comments section.
Speaking of New Years, do you make resolutions for the new year? I personally don't. I don't believe that magic suddenly happens on January 1st making you a better, more determined person. That being said, I do think that ongoing personal growth and improvement is super important so I will be setting a few goals for areas of my life that I want to work on this year. My personal growth goals include:
  1. Improving my food photography
  2. Continuing to work on healing my adult acne and overcoming my skin picking disorder
  3. Writing an E-book
  4. Improving my flexibility 
  5. Growing my Beautycounter business 
Of all of my goals, the one I would most like to achieve is to stop my skin picking. I know I have spoken about this in the past and I realize that I have made gains in this area, but I still do pick my skin during times of boredom and stress. It has become such an unconscious habit that it has become a very difficult thing for me to overcome. I recently purchased this book to try and find more strategies that will help me stop this habit. I am also thinking of purchasing these Habit Bracelets when they are released.
Now, if any of you know of any other helpful strategies to help overcome skin picking I would be eternally grateful if you posted them or sent them to me. It's actually a pretty common condition, and one that's not talked about very often because most people are extremely embarrassed to talk about their skin picking. I was for a long time too. But as I've gotten older I've become more and more comfortable in my own skin, and talking about the positives and negatives has become that much easier. Because let's be honest. We are all struggling with something. Whether it's an illness, mental health issue, financial stressor, relationship problem, domestic abuse etc., no one gets away with a struggle-free life. No one. So let's help each other as much as we can shall we? But today's focus is not supposed to be about skin picking. It's about the Top 10 Posts of 2016.
Until next time, happy eating everyone!
And as always I would be thrilled if you followed me on my social media pages on Instagram,FacebookPinterest and Twitter

1. Paleo Ranger Cookies

Paleo Ranger Cookies
You can get the full recipe by clicking here

2. Paleo Silver Dollar Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Paleo Silver Dollar Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Get the full recipe here. 

3. Why Grains Are Not Healthy

Why Grains Are Not Healthy
To find out why grains are not healthy click here. 

4. Roasted Honey Dijon Pecans

Roasted Honey Dijon Pecans 
Get the full recipe here. 

5. Sweet Potato Nacho Dip

Sweet Potato Nacho Dip
This dip was featured on Mark Sisson's Daily Apple site. Try the Sweet Potato Nacho Dip by going here. 

6. 10 Minute Blueberry Pork Chops

10 Minute Blueberry Pork Chops
These pork chops were featured on The Feed Feed and you can get the recipe by going here. 

7. Paleo Chocolate Mocha Ice Cream

Paleo Chocolate Mocha Ice Cream
Find the recipe for Paleo Chocolate Mocha Ice Cream here. 

8. Paleo Raspberry Coconut Oatmeal

Paleo Raspberry Coconut Oatmeal 
Get the recipe here. 

9. Slightly Sweet Grain Free Granola

Slightly Sweet Grain Free Granola 
You can get the recipe for Slightly Sweet Grain Free Granola here. 

10. How To Heal Keratosis Pilaris With Diet

How To Heal Keratosis Pilaris With Diet  
Find out How To Heal Keratosis Pilaris With Diet by reading the full post here. 
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