The Too Much TV Roundup- June 23rd

Posted on the 24 June 2022 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Once again, I managed to squeeze in Episode 5 of this strange new limited series about the end of democracy. I don’t recognize any of the actors, and it’s airing on multiple channels, and it doesn’t have audio description. But here are some other programs…

1) Ozark (Netflix)

English Audio Description Available?: Yes

As I inch closer to the finale, I realize more and more that I will not be getting the ending to this show that I need. You know that Dark Knight quote? You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain? Over the course of four seasons, while Marty has managed to keep a part of himself there while doing his shady dealings, Wendy is gone. Watching her deal directly with Camilla, behind Marty’s back was the final straw. He had explained to her why she was the problem. She sabotaged a shipment that was supposed to go to the FBI. Marty had just promised them that he was running things. Camilla tried to have her brother killed. But Wendy still put her needs above all else. Just like she did when she went and saw Navarro a few episodes ago without telling Marty. If this show ends with Wendy alive, we’ve failed.

Episode Grade: A

2) The outlaws (Amazon)

English Audio Description Available?: Yes

we won’t have to wait very long for season 2. It drops in August. That’s great, because even though I didn’t fall in love with this show right away, I really came to appreciate it by the end of this first season. Very excited to see where they go from here. Loved the ending to Season 1, where they’re painting over a Banksy.

Episode Grade: A, Season 1 Grade: A-

3) The G Word With Adam Conover (Netflix)

English Audio Description Available?: Yes

This episode, disease, took a look at our history regarding how the government does and does not help the health and well being of its citizens. It also went straight at the pandemic, and instead of shortening the blame by saying “It’s Trumps fault”, Adam went into great detail to not say that, instead talking about the dismantling of structures of our health services at a national and local level, some which had already been occurring for decades since Reagan, and others exasperated by the pandemic.

Final Grade: A

4) The Chase (ABC/Hulu)

English Audio Description Available?: Yes

An exciting and emotional episode of The Chase. I thought last week, watching James do a terrible job, yet somehow catch them in the end would be the pinnacle of this show, but rather the flip side was true. Watching Brandon dismantle the entire team, only for them to send out their best player in the end to go one on one and win. This guy was crying, not because he won, but because he knew the only reason he was there was because while he was deployed, his mom religiously recorded every jeopardy for him, and now she’s not around to see this win. This is probably as close as this show will ever come to actually “moving” me.

Episode Grade: A-

5) Pacific Rim The Black (Netflix)

English Audio Description Available?: Yes

While I don’t love this show as much as I do Jurassic world Camp Cretaceous, I still am a firm believer that Pacific Rim The Black is better than the live action sequel released upon the world a few years back.

Episode Grade: B

6) We Crashed (Apple Plus)

English Audio Description Available?: Yes

in the seemingly infinite limited series, we finally start seeing the cracks as they don’t take the advice, and keep going the “we know what we’re doing” route. I would not be mad if this show got lead acting nominations, but otherwise, this needed to have a shorter episode count.

Episode Grade: B