the Things That You Do

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__

The Hummingbird Bakery
Cake Days Emma Bridgewater Teapot Stella and Dot Necklace AllSaints Boots
Laura Ashley Photo Frame Bohemia Trophy Deer Illamasqua Complement Palette Butter London Nail Polish
I don't know about you, but every Christmas there is always at least one present I am completely stumped on. Funnily enough, I usually find something fairly obscure to get the men in my life (Rich, Dad, Brother) but then struggle when it comes to female presents. My Mum isn't really in to cosmetics, and clothes shopping for her can be a bit hit or miss. Similarly, the female friends and relatives I buy for are those people who just have everything... not in a ostentatious way, but they are able to buy the things they need. Be it make up, skin care, beauty treats or accessories. This is where AskHerFriends comes in... I was introduced to this site a couple of weeks ago and think it's such a great concept! It allows you to find the perfect gift for her: explore their catalog of gorgeous gifts, compile a list of possibilities, and then the best bit... send it out to their friends (via Twitter, Facebook or email) for help and approval. Rich thinks this site is every man's dream - getting to choose a range of pressies (you did put some original effort in!) and then getting their best pals to give you an idea of what they'd like best. Winner!Of course, this site can be used by girls too - we all have that person we need to buy a gift for that we don't necessarily know as well as we'd like, right? I'm thinking Aunties, Sister in Law and female colleague... its a minefield!Do you have anyone you always struggle buying for at Christmas?