Writer: Billy Lewis (Screenplay)
Starring: Donny Boaz, Cari Moskow, Reid Doyle
Plot: This horror/paranormal thriller follows the lives of Albert and Rose Poe over the course of 4 days that happens to include the one year anniversary of their 5 and 6 year old daughters deaths. The day the girls died was their birthdays too. We soon learn there is more to the girls deaths and the house the Poe’s thought was their safe haven.
Runtime: 1 Hour 24 Minutes
There may be spoilers the rest of the review
Verdict: Lacks the Punch
Story: The Terrible Two starts as we learn that Rose (Moskow) and Albert Poe (Doyle) have reached the one-year anniversary after the death of both their young daughters, Albert has tried his hardest to put that day behind him and carry on with life, while Rose still has attachment to their toys.
Once the day passes Rose starts believing she is hearing the voices of her daughters, while Albert tries to hold things together even after he starts seeing strange things around the house.
Thoughts on The Terrible Two
Characters – Rose and Albert are both the parents, both have been dealing with the tragic death of their daughters in different ways, Albert by keeping busy and trying to move on. Ros on the other hand has struggled, using their toys to try and keep an attachment to them, trying to deny what had happened.
Performances – The performances are not the best here, both the two leads struggle to make the impact they need to for the story to make an impact with their character decisions.
Story – The story here seems to get confused and fails to grab any focus on either of the two stories we are focusing on, we have Rose that seems to be investigating while potentially losing her mind, but then stops, we had over the Albert who gets told about the history of the house which doesn’t end up coming full circle. We seem to go down storyline branches and only seem to forget the previous scene I could see what was planned (I think) it just doesn’t use the focus direction it needed.
Horror – The horror in the film just doesn’t reach the levels it starts to head towards, we are left to see the build without the payoff.
Settings – The film keeps everything inside the house which does help as this is where the accident happens and the parents must move on after it.
Special Effects – The effect are solid enough, but you can see them being used for the CGI moments.
Scene of the Movie – Learning the event.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Failing to focus on the storyline directions.
Final Thoughts – This is a disappoint horror that does miss the marks it was aiming for, the idea works, just isn’t executed well enough.
Overall: Disappointing horror movie