The Ten Commandments: Not Just for Religious Right Wing Nutjobs

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Much of our moral rules and beliefs are not unique to America but universal, shared by other countries and peoples across space and time.

Philosophers and ethicists maintain that human morality is not some free-floating belief system, but rather has a utilitarian self-interested foundation. As an example, the rule against eating pork is common to the Middle East, both Jew and Arab. According to anthropologists, the prohibition protects a community, living in primitive conditions, from being infected with tape worm by ingesting raw or undercooked meat of infected pigs.

Above all, human morality is SOCIAL in purpose and nature.

Morals and ethics enable human beings to coexist with each other in some semblance of harmony. Just think: What need would you have of morality if you’re the only human in the world? There would be no need for moral injunctions or laws against murder or theft or adultery or rape or speeding or jaywalking or . . . .

As American society and culture increasingly become corrupt and debased, this excerpt from Richard Fernandez’s article for PJMedia, “The First Horseman,” is instructive and thought-provoking:

We often forget that the sacred texts of mankind began as practical documents. They were checklists. And we may well rediscover this fact before the end. One can imagine the last two postmoderns crawling towards each other in the ruins of a once great city to die, and while waiting to expire engage in conversation to pass the time.

“Waldo,” the first said, “do you remember that tablet displayed in front of the Texas Statehouse. You know, back when there was a Texas?”

“Yeah, didn’t it have a whole bunch of stuff scrawled on it? Tell me again what it said,” replied the other.

“Waldo, it said, ‘thou shalt not kill.’ And ‘thou shalt not lie’.”

“Anything else?”

“Yes it also said, ‘thou shalt not steal’. Plus somewhere in the middle said, ‘thou shalt not have sex with people you weren’t married to.’”

“Yeah, I remember it now,” the second post-modern said. “What a bunch of hooey. It’s a right wing, nutjob, racist document called the Ten Commandments.  It’s a religious document.”

“No Waldo,” the first replied. “That’s where you’re wrong. It ain’t no religious document. I just figured out it was a survival manual.

See also:

  • Satanists want to build a 7-ft tall statue of Satan next to 10 Commandments
  • Satanists to hold “Black Mass” in Oklahoma City
  • Satanic black-metal band throws pig’s blood; audience vomit
  • Demonic ‘Hunky Jesus’ contest at Easter
  • Harvard goes satanic with Black Mass
  • Satanic Temple wants prayer in school to the Devil
  • The Devil is alive and well as Slenderman
