The Tea Subscription Box from TeaTime

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

What’s that? A fancy tea subscription service? *excited face* I love subscription boxes as much as the next person but I have to admit the novelty of the beauty ones has worn off slightly. I don’t know about you but many of the sample sized beauty products just tend to collect in my cabinets. So when I found out about a new subscription service filled with products I knew I would use up, I jumped at the chance to review it. Introducing the tea subscription service from TeaTime. Very fancy!

I have a confession to make. I’m obsessed with tea. All kinds of tea. So much so that I rarely drink anything else. Recently though, I’ve gone off traditional yorkshire tea and developed a fixation for green tea. Sticking to the same one can become a little boring though and I’m always super excited to find different varieties to try. TeaTime offer weekly or fortnightly subscription boxes that drop perfectly packaged, beautifully blended gourmet teas through your letterbox.

The boxes contain beautiful tea blends as well as self-fill teabags. So cute! I opted for a selection of green and fruit teas but you can pick anything from detox teas to caffeine free teas. Or if you are feeling indecisive, you can opt for the variety box and enjoy a bit of everything. Each box provides you with at least 10 cups of tea so you can have a decadent tea tasting experience whenever you fancy. My box contained three high quality tea blends and a flowering tea ball type thing that you can put in a teapot but it seemed a shame to put this in the teapot in the above picture as it’s quite fun to watch it open from the outside. I’ve just bought a transparent tea pot so you can expect a few snaps of this on Instagram in the next few days. Naturally I reached for the Jasmine Pearl Zen blend first. I love the scent of green tea and this one has a strong but not overpowering fragrance. I loved everything about this tea, green tea is so beneficial and I always feel rather smug after drinking a cup knowing I’ve just had a huge dose of antioxidants. The Lemune Superboost contains goji berries and lemongrass and is designed to give your immune systems a much needed boost. I really enjoyed this one as I’ve been taken down by a cold or two this year. Also filling your own teabags is quite a cute thing to do.

How pretty is this colourful tea blend?

Do you like the idea of a tea subscription box?