The Tea Party narrative in America has been drafted, perfected, and advanced by the Political Left and its cronies through the mainstream media.
It is a false narrative.
It’s time for all people who believe in limited government as determined by the constitution of the United States of America, the separation of powers, and individual liberty and self-determination, to correct the narrative and help all of America’s citizens understand the truth about this movement. It’s time to tell the president, the congress, Wall Street, and Corporate America their gig is up. We will not tolerate the game being played to the detriment of all working Americans who just want to provide the best life they can to their families and those they love.
The Tea Party is not a movement full extremists doing damage to this country. Any objective person, using common sense, can quickly see where the power lies and who is truly damaging their ability to determine their futures and how their lives are lived.
It’s time to stop listening to the state run media voices. Time to stop being told what to believe. Time to stop assuming the media has your best interests at heart. Start doing your own homework. Take down the shields and barriers and give the other side a fair hearing. Weigh your findings against the standards set by the founding documents of the nation. Then decide where you stand.