1997 was an epic year. The Simpsons was named the longest-running prime-time animated series, Steve Jobs returned to Apple and Tiger Woods became the youngest golfer to ever win the Masters. In Canada, fans of award-winning The Tea Party were celebrating the release of the band's fourth studio album, Transmission.
Equally as epic, this album reached #3 on the Canadian charts, earned double platinum status in Canada and received a 1998 JUNO Award nomination for "Blockbuster Rock Album of the Year." Its no wonder that, 20 years later, the band has confirmed that it will embark on a large-scale tour to celebrate the anniversary of this hit record.
Seeing The Tea Party perform Transmission in its entirety, this national tour will kick-off on February 3 in St. Catharines (ON) and will see the band wind its way through 28 cities before landing in Seattle, WA on April 4. Joined by special guests The Road Heavy in a handful of markets, each show of the #TX20 tour will culminate with a set of greatest hits certain to deliver the energy and drive that The Tea Party have been known to bring since 1990.
Fans wishing to celebrate the 20th anniversary alongside the band can purchase tickets via smarturl.it/TX20 on October 28th. VIP ticket packages - The #TX20 VIP Party - are available now and include a meet & greet photo opportunity with the band along with a Tea Party draw-string backpack, a Transmission commemorative coffee table book, souvenir VIP laminate, 5X7 lithograph and a 5X7 glossy Transmission-era photo.
www.teaparty.comCover photo: The Tea Party perform at RBC Bluesfest in 2015 photo by Sean Sisk for Sound Check Entertainment
Field Service Tech by day, Live Music Nut by night! My family and I call the Thousand Islands region of Ontario home. I'm a blogger, social media geek, tech, and live music fanatic. I founded Sound Check Entertainment in 2010 to help promote festivals and emerging artists from across Canada and the world! I now act as festivals liaison, manage media relations and, of course, cover events in the National Capital region. I'm also a diehard Habs fan but Sens fans fear not; as long as they aren't playing against my Habs I cheer just as loud for the Sens.