The Sunday Rumble: 9.11.14

By Davidduff

Ed decomposes before our very eyes:  I thought medieval executions were a thing of the past which is a pity really because they were rather skillful operations.  I think they began by hanging the victim but just short of death they cut him down and eviscerated him, again, without actually killing him.  Then, finally, they chopped off head, arms and legs which were despatched to various parts of the City of London pour encouragez les autres!  This morning, as he peruses the headlines, Ed Miliband must feel he has started on the evisceration process.  Well, no doubt when he 'assassinated' his brother he shrugged off charges of cruelty by saying something like, well, politics is a tough business.  Now, he is finding out just how tough it can be!  At least David left the stage with honor intact but Ed's exit will be to a chorus of laughs, jibes and sneers.  Who will remember him in five years time?

But at least Ed is useful for Dave:  As we all enjoy the sight of Ed Miliband staggering backwards and forwards across the political stage dying the death of a thousand cuts I bet Dave 'n' George are cracking up with laughter.  For them the timing is perfect. All the hacks are busy chasing anyone and everyone in the Labour party for yet another anonymous quote telling us that Ed's a prat and none of them are looking hard at that very dodgy boast from Dave 'n' George that they succeeded - "at a stroke" - in cutting in half the EU demand for more money.

The best news from the American election - SCOTUS is safe:   As regular readers will be aware,my main worry over the midterm elections was that the Republicans would fail to hold a Senate majority which would allow Obama to ram a Left-wing loony on to the bench of the Supreme Court.  I think 'over here', and to an extent 'over there' too, people forget the longterm effects of a Supreme Court which leans either Left or Right.  The Justices are appointed for life and the influence of their decisions will last for decades.  Now, if a vacancy occurs, Obama has a snowball in hell's chance of slipping one of his cronies onto the bench.  If you're American that's worth a toast tonight!

Miss Red muses and amuses:   Normally, of course, were I to come across something witty and amusing I would nick it on the spot and publish it here.  However, this little collection is the property of Miss Red, a frequent visitor to these columns and the sort of American lady I imagine who exudes an air of quiet, genteel sweetness right up to the minute she whips out a Colt .45 and says something like, "Make my day, punk!"  So, on this occasion I will eschew larceny and merely bid you all to pop over and enjoy a small selection of Miss Red's humour:

More rumbles later  . . .