The Sunday Rumble: 21.9.14

By Davidduff

It's not idleness, honestly!  I enter that plea in mitigation early because I may not get around to depositing too many gems of wisdom on today's Sunday Rumble.  Domestic duties loom large including, perhaps, my attempt to create a Pork Fillet Wellington for dinner tonight.  I will be taking instructions from two head chefs, the 'Memsahib' and 'SoD'.  I may lose my temper and throw a wobbly!

Should Ed Miliband have joined the army?   I ask because one of his 'bruvvers', the former minister Alan Johnson, suggested that he might have been improved by the experience.  It made me wonder which regiment or corps he might have been best suited.


Well, it's obvious really - the Intelligence Corps.  A splendid body of men comprising of some the biggest goofballs and nut-jobs you could ever wish to see outside of a circus.  I write, of course, as a particularly fine example being an ex-corporal of that splendid organisation.  Ed would have fitted in just perfectly!

More rumbles later, maybe, perhaps, possibly . . .