The Sunday Rumble: 15.9.13

By Davidduff

Your bores today:  David Thomas in The Telegraph has provided us with a list of those he considers to be today's outstanding snore-inducers, you know, the sort of people who were you to spot them in a pub not only would you consider moving from the Saloon Bar to the Public, you would think seriously of walking two miles through the rain to another pub altogether!  Not being totally 'up' on today's slebs I didn't know all of them but certainly there were  none amongst his choices with which I would disagree.  I intend to start my own list today which I will add to as names occur to me, er, provided I don't fall asleep doing it!  Also, of course, given that we suffer most of these bores via the TV you must remember that I suffer with the problem of knowing the face but never the name!  Hence my first choice for Bore of the Day is:

a:  That bland, fat, smoothy-chops, 'Oirish' bloke who hosts the Sky News morning show - oh, come on, you know who I mean  . . .

b:  President Obama - no wonder he likes playing with drones so much, the sound of them must remind him of his own speaking voice!

Further bores will be added later - watch this space - and suggestions are welcome



More rumbles later . . .