The Sunday Rumble: 13.4.14

By Davidduff

The Alf Garnett of India:  I miss Alf Garnett so I am delighted to find out that he is alive and well and living in India.  In fact he appears to be the head of the Indian Socialist party - whodathunkit?



    Mulayam Singh Yadav   Alf Garnett  

According to The Telegraph, Mr. Mulayan 'Alf' Yadov provided the grateful Indian public, or at least, the male half of it, with these words of all-too-scrutable Eastern wisdom:

Mulayam Singh Yadav, the head of India’s Socialist (Samajwadi) Party, said he would get rid of a recently introduced law that handed death sentences to repeat rape offenders, because it was not uncommon “for boys to make mistakes”.

Referring to a recent case from Mumbai in which three men were sentenced to death for carrying out two gang rapes, Mr Yadav told an election rally that rape happens because women lead men on.

"Boys will be boys. Following a girl-boy fight, the girl complains she was raped," he said.

To which one can only murmur, yeeeeeeeeees, quite, but do keep taking the pills!

The words on my headstone:Only a few days ago I mentioned that plans for my funeral were well advanced and that out of consideration for the huge attending audience there were to be at least two intervals but today I am reminded by Michael Deacon in The Telegraph that I should consider the words to be carved on my head stone.  Alas, the Bishop of Wells might not take kindly to the story of my life given that it would take something longer than the Berlin Wall to carry all the necessary information.  However, I have a better idea which slid guiltily into my mind the other day as I charged up down the Churchyard dodging the headstones as I cut the grass with my high-powered Honda.  My headstone will simply read:

Here lies David Duff, so please stop making all that bloody noise!

More rumbles later  . . .