The Sunday Post

By A_wondrous_bookshelf

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. A post to recap the past week, and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog…

Happy Sunday, everyone! I’m very happy with my reading accomplishments this week and I hope you are too. I don’t always post a review of all the books I read in a week, but I can tell you that this week was a hodgepodge of really good books and not so good books.

Spring is such a great time to get some reading done. Not only because I teach a much fewer number of classes during spring, but because I’m just always so inspired to get out there and read. The weather is absolutely awesome in my neck of the woods, and I’m certainly taking advantage of this weather before the crazy, unrelenting summer comes around.

I started this week catching up on some of my previous reads that had never made it into a formal review.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz opened the week with a bang. Although I gravitate towards books regarding the Holocaust and WWII in general, this book was not quite what I was expecting.

Review of the Tattooist of Auschwitz

For quite some time I’ve considered myself an Agatha Christie fan, and that was because until recently I had not really found any books of hers that I didn’t like. Well, that all changed when I came across a little book called The Secret Adversary. The first book in the Tommy and Tuppence Series I really struggled to get through this book. Unlike Christie’s earlier books, such as the wonderful The Mysterious Affair at Styles, The Secret Adversary had a very strange format. It read more like a spy novel than a mystery novel, and the dialog was strange and convoluted.

 Review of The Secret Adversary

I ended the week with my third book by B.A. Paris–The Breakdown. B.A. Paris has a great talent for interesting stories and original plot. The Breakdown is a suspenseful novel that does not disappoint and will probably keep me going back to this author.

Review of The Breakdown

This upcoming week starts with a review of a novel by Adrienne Chinn, Lost Letter From Morocco set against the beautiful and exotic background of Morocco. Then I switch gears to a mystery thriller that has kept me up all night–Little Darlings by Melanie Golding. I top off this upcoming week with a much needed back to classics with my review of Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Wide Sargasso Sea is one of the fifty books in my Classics Club Challenge.

How about you? what will you be reading/reviewing this week?