Hello once again Shiners!
I must say that I love the title of this piece. Don’t you just feel great when we see the sun shining ever so brightly in the sky down on us? In a way it brings smile to our faces because it signals that we are having good weather and that is one of the many things that can start our day on a positive note, besides being able to rise another day.
Let me get to the real reason of the title Shiners. I have met the most wonderful group of young ladies that I had the pleasure of mentoring to help get their lives back on track and to do great in school. When I first met them they were playing a get to know you game called “Sunshine”. We all sat in a huge circle big enough for everyone to get up and move all around. One of the girls had the job of being the Sun-Castor. This is how it went. The Sun-Castor would look around and then say “The sun shines on you if….” Then she would select her random item let’s say jeans. Then she would say “The sun shines on you if you have on jeans”, then everyone wearing jeans would get up and run around to another chair but ti could not be the same seat. The goal is not to get caught standing up after everyone else has found a seat, then you would be the sun-Castor. I love that game still to this day and the girls as well.
Here is the catch shiners-I am starting my own version of “If the sun shines on you” and instead of not wanting to be caught I say stay standing!
Many of us are single mothers and fathers, (there are many stand up guys out there today as well), holding our families together instead of letting them fall apart, raising our children up correctly, knowing how to really love, giving second chances, being forgiving, being a true friend, lending a helping hand to one that is less fortunate, wiping tears, kissing boo-boos, taking our lives back and so much more. Therefore, the sun is shining you Shiners. I am so proud of each and every one of you for letting the sun shine in.
In today’s society, we are faced with so many barriers and we are over coming them all. With that being said, keep Positively Shining Bright because the sun continues to shine on you! ALL of you!