The Success of Michael Jordan, Akio Morita, JK Rowling, and Walt Disney

Posted on the 28 December 2013 by Vall444
Michael Jordan

Most people will not believe that this man, who is often said to be one of the best basketball players of all time, in fact was thrown out of the basketball team in high school. Luckily, Jordan did not let this failure stop him from playing the game. He says, "I missed more than 9,000 free throws in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. I got 26 opportunities to throw the winning ball and I missed. I failed again and again, over and over in my life. That's why I made ​​it. "

Akio Morita

You may not have heard of Morita but you've undoubtedly heard of his company, Sony. Sony's first product was a rice casserole that unfortunately did not cook rice as much as it burned itAkio Morita sold less than 100 units of thos casseroles. This first setback did not stop Morita and his partners thus giving them the impetus to create a company worth billions of dollars nowadays

JK Rowling 

Rowling may be happy with the hugsuccess of Harry Potter today, but before publishing a series of novels, she was a woman on the verge of survival. She was almost penniless, extremely depressed, divorced, trying to raise a child alone while she was going to school and was writing a novel. Rowling goes from dependence on social aid in order to survive to becoming one of the richest women on the planet in just five years, due to her hard work and determination.

Walt DisneyToday Disney industryearns billions of dollars in goods, movies and theme parks around the world, but Walt Disney himself had not that much of a rocky start. He was fired by a newspaper editor because he was said to lack imagination and good ideas. After that, Disney started a few business enterprises that did not last long and ended with bankruptcy and failure. But he persisted and eventually found a recipe for success that worked.

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