The Story of the Silver Bullet (& Our Goodbye Story)

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey friends.  Sorry I missed you all yesterday, I ended up having a pretty crazy Tuesday evening and didn’t get to write up my post (more on that in a few) and I spent the majority of Wednesday in back to back meetings (always a total blast) so I didn’t get a chance to stop by and check in with you all.  So, surprise you are getting a Thursday post this week!! WOOHOO!

I had a totally different kind of post planned for you on Wednesday, but that is getting pushed off in favor of my BIG news.  So, a little back story.  Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in the greatest city in the world (Boston if you didn’t already know, DUH!) and she met and fell in love with this tall, dark and handsome man.  After living together in this wonderful city, they decided they wanted to buy a house, but would only be able to afford a tiny condo in said city so they decided to move further out of the city and buy a house in a town where there are huge fenced in yards (with visions of a dog running around.) However, when you move out of a walk able city, you need to drive everywhere (including to work, GASP!)  Well, this city girl never owned a car before so one of the first purchases that was made after buying a new house was a new car.  Since money was tight, she settled for a tiny, little two door silver Toyota Yaris hatchback that got incredible gas mileage. This girl loved her silver bullet (lovingly coined this because it was tiny like a bullet.)

Well, this girl and her silver bullet spent almost 7 years together and finally last month, after driving it almost 200,000 miles, the car decided it was tired of driving (it failed inspection and needed over $2,000 in repairs) which left the girl sad as she wasn’t ready to let the silver bullet go, but knew she couldn’t justify the cost when the car had so many miles on it.  She was put in a situation where she needed to buy a new car…and fast as the rejected inspection sticker would expire on July 23rd.  So, she started researching cars, spoke to friends and colleagues, took to social media for recommendations and after many hours of researching and test driving cars….on Tuesday evening, she bought herself a beautiful, big, shiny new car… a 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek!

So yeah…that is where I spent my entire Tuesday evening instead of writing up a post for you all #sorryimnotsorry !  I am totally in love with my new car and am still in awe of the fact that I have power doors and windows, SUCH A LUXURY!! I even have heated seats and a moonroof among many other really cool features!  This is such a HUGE upgrade from the silver bullet.  While I was sad to let go of my old car (I’m a pretty simple person when it comes to what I need in a car,) BUT…I am really excited about my new teched out car.  Since we moved to our new house in August, we experienced what a brutal winter with our new driveway entails, which basically meant that I would not be getting my car up our super long and steep driveway into the garage and I would end up getting stuck in snow banks while my car slid down the driveway on numerous occasions, which was a total PITA.  Now I have all wheel drive so that shouldn’t happen.  Also, now that we have Ashton, getting him in and out of a two door car was another super PITA (when asked about that, I explained that it was poor family planning and that usually got a good laugh).  While this was tougher when he was an infant,  it’s still tough to strap him in since he is rear-facing. I had to get into the backseat with him to get him strapped in which usually ended up with me breaking a huge little bit of a sweat!  Lastly, I wanted something a bit bigger, heavier and higher off the ground, so it is safer for us.  So, that’s my big news folks, I bought my 2nd car and I am still very much in the honeymoon phase of this relationship…but I am enjoying my new companion.  I have a feeling we will be spending a great deal of quality time with each other over the next few years!


Question of the day

How many cars have you bought?  What are you driving now?  What is your dream car?