The Story.

By Alyssa_dld @alyssa_dld
I have a lot of exciting news to share.  
First.  Matt and I went on a ski vacation to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  It was kinda sorta a last minute vacation because we were struggling to find a time to go that fit both of our schedules. 

Second. We got engaged! You might have already known this since I already shared on facebook, twitter and instagram but it's worht mentioning again.  Definitely more to come on this!

Third. I moved! My lease at my apartment was up at the end of February and since Matt is hoping to move here this year, I tired to find something that would be more convenient for the both of us.  

I'll definitely be recapping the vacation but today I'm going to start with the proposal story because that's what people want to know, right? 
Everyone keeps asking if I was surprised. The short answer is yes, of course.  
The longer answer is that in the grand scheme of things, no I wasn't surprised.  We've talked about marriage and engagement before and I figured it was coming but I didn't really have an idea when.  I didn't want to pick out my own ring and I wanted it to be a surprise.  I did actually look at rings one time online but it was a little bit overwhelming so I stopped. Plus as Kelly and I were discussing last night, it's probably better to not have looked or picked anything because I didn't want to be disappointed that he didn't pick what I wanted.  
But I was still shocked when it was happening.
Wednesday was our third day of skiing and it ended up being a really beautiful clear day.  The first two days we were there it was windy at the top of the mountain.  So Matt suggested we ride the tram up to the highest peak and go to a look out point to take some pictures. Once we were at the top we hiked up this little hill to get to the very top. 
Another guy was up there so he took a picture for us. 

So oblivious about what's to come

The view was great so I started taking a few panoramic pictures.

So very beautiful up there. 
And I turned around and Matt was getting down on one knee.  
It was incredible.  
The proposal was both so much more than I expected and exactly what I dreamed.  I think it was perfect for us. 
After I said yes and put the ring on, a fellow skier came over and offered to take a picture for us.  

We got engaged at 10,550 ft which I know because I was wearing my Garmin! It's kind of funny because I can see exactly where it happened!  The westernmost mountain peak in my map.
We skied most of the rest of the day but we did quit early to have a few celebratory drinks!

And I absolutely love my ring.