The State of Oh So Fresh and Where I've Been

Posted on the 05 July 2013 by Oh So Fresh! Music @OhSoFreshMusic

I'm sure plenty of you that frequent the site often or come back a few times a week have wondered why the post count has gone down and where I've been. Well, real life responsibilities took charge as I need to make a living and unfortunately this blog doesn't make me that cash money, so I had to focus on my job life more. Also, I started another site called All The Proper with a buddy of mine. Plus, I was getting completely burned out by writing 5-8 posts a day and running all the email, social networks, etc. My brain needed a break.
So where does this leave the site? I plan on getting back into sharing some great music, but probably will be 1-2 posts a day instead. That can change if I can get more consistent writers on board, which hopefully I can make happen. Anyone who has reached out via email in the last few weeks, I apologize for the lack of posts or response to any music requests. For now, keep checking back on the site and share with your friends, great music will always be available. Thanks for sticking with me over the last 3 years!
Posted in: Feature