The State of Integrated Marketing [Survey]

Posted on the 19 August 2015 by Shellykramer @ShellyKramer

If you’re a marketer, no doubt you’re interested in integrating your marketing efforts and delivering more value from your company’s marketing investment. Not always easy to do, but worth it when you can actually make it happen.

And while this post isn’t going to report on the state of integrated marketing, what it is (hopefully) going to do is entice you to spend a few minutes helping other marketers figure out collectively where we are with regard to integrated marketing, what our biggest challenges are, what our biggest successes have been, and the like.

To that end, my friends at the Integrated Marketing Summit are working with the folks at Gleanster Research to produce their Pulse Report on the “State of Integrated Marketing.” They are exploring the strategies, people, processes, and technologies companies are using to manage their integrated marketing communications. They’ve had over 500 respondents but are hoping to get that number higher so as to deliver better insights. That’s where you come in. If you’ll take ten minutes to take this survey, you’ll get a copy of The Pulse Report. Here’s a link to the survey, which I promise will be quick and painless ->

Also, if you’re in or near Minneapolis I’d love to see you at the upcoming Integrated Marketing Summit event. In Minneapolis, on Tuesday, 9/1, I’m doing a half day workshop on Content Marketing: How to Make it Actually Work, and Wednesday, 9/2 the event is a day long-event featuring some amazingly smart marketers that I know you’d enjoy hearing from. I’ll admit to some bias here, but on Wednesday afternoon, I’m moderating an Ignite-style panel discussion on Content Marketing featuring Elli Bishop from Clearlink, Moria Fredrickson from Dell’s Enterprise Solutions Group, and Hunter Montgomery from Higher Logic that is sure to be awesome.

The IMS events are some of my favorite to be a part of, because they are small, intimate, and connect marketers directly with the resources and the knowledge they need to do what they do more effectively. The workshop topics covered range from:

  • B2B lead Generation, Qualification and Nurturing, presented by IMS’s Shawn Elledge, a lead gen master.
  • Facebook Marketing, presented by BlitzMetrics’ CTO, Dennis Yu
  • Essential SEO Workshop, Architecting a Winning SEO Strategy, presented by Eric Fellows, Digital Practice Leader at Sales Lead Automation
  • Content Marketing: How to Make it Actually Work (yours truly)
  • Web and Data Analytics (and Cross Channel Integration, Oh My!), presented by Thomas Bosilevac, Analytics Practice Leader at Sales Lead Automation
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Lead Generation, presented by Mike O’Neil

The speakers at the conference the next day include marketers from Dell, Right On Interactive, Bauer Hockey, Minnesota State Lottery, Deluxe, TopRank Online Marketing, FindLaw, Roger West, Logic PD, Rosetta Stone and Real Media Group. It’s going to be a terrific event, and if you’re in or near the Twin Cities area, we hope you’ll consider joining us for both the workshops and the conference, or for whichever you’ve got the interest and the time for–we’d love to have you. Here’s a link to the Minneapolis Registration page, and if you use code IMSG520, you’ll get a 20% discount on your registration fees.

And, please, don’t forget to take a few minutes to take the State of Integrated Marketing Survey for upcoming The Pulse Report – the results alone should help you as you work on your marketing strategies for the coming year. Here’s that link again to the survey:

Photo Credit: survey.human via Compfight cc