The Star Gets Some National/international Exposure from NPR

Posted on the 13 March 2013 by Morage @kebmebms

It broke today, due to some Pope coverage, in this story:
5 Things About Popes And Their Names; Like, Why Do They Change Them?
It's not required, but it's almost surely going to happen:
The man chosen to be the next pope will choose a new name — one other than what he was born with. So, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI. His predecessor, Pope John Paul II, was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla. And so on back through history.
How far back? That's one of the 5 things we'll try to explain.
1. Who started this tradition? The Kansas City Star reports in a story headlined "What's In A Name? A Lot If You're A Pope," that it apparently began with "Mercurius, named for the god Mercury," who in 533 changed his name to John II. "A pope named after a pagan god — that wasn't going to go over, PR-wise," Biagio Mazza, a church educator and historian in Kansas City, tells the Star
There's some good material in the piece, too, if you haven't already seen it.
The author and his article maybe got unintentionally, unknowingly prophetic with one of his observations when he said this: "Choosing a name that has never been used would throw everyone for a loop. Surprisingly, there has never been a Francis or Joseph"  Dennis Coday, editor of the National Catholic Reporter said.
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So kudos to the Star.  Keep up the good writing and reporting. Please.
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