The Staggering Cost of Gun Violence

Posted on the 20 December 2011 by Mikeb302000
The Boston Channel reports
Springfield police said a shooting victim who had been on life support since 2002 has died, turning the incident into a homicide investigation in which detectives are seeking new leads.
The Republican of Springfield reported that Louis L. White, 30, died Dec. 2, more than nine years after being shot while walking on a city street.
Police and Hampden District Attorney Mark Mastroianni said they hope people will step forward with new leads in White's shooting, which was attributed at the time to tensions among youth gangs.
White had also been shot in 2000, but had recovered before the 2002 shooting that left him on life support.
His brother, Adrian White, was also killed in an unrelated 2005 robbery for which three men are serving life prison terms.
It's hard to add it all up, when you consider what life-support procedures cost for ten years. Plus the earlier shooting in 2000, which probably involved some emergency room treatment in the very least. Then add to that the brother's case in which three men are in prison for life.
Yet, our gun-rights friends continue with their double-talk about "rights" and about how this story has nothing to do with them.
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