The Spirit of Ichnusa

By Artborghi @artborghi

La corsa degli scalzi, the run of the barefooted, Cabras

Also this trip came to the end. We were not barefooted, like the 1,000 runners of Cabras (click on the picture to zoom in), whose yearly procession revives the rescue of Saint John’s statue from the Turkish Ottomans, who invaded the place in 1619. After hundreds of kms along the West Coast of Sardegna up to the North shores of Stintino. Across dozens of beaches, historical towns and old ruins. A trip pointed with delightful stopovers in the regions of Oristano and Alghero, explored in September 2017 by Lorenzo Borghi and Maria Francesca. Thanks for following it, below the 9 episodes of Ichnusa

  1. Ichnusa
  2. Cross over to the other side
  3. Prominent
  4. Paradise comes at a price
  5. Paraiso
  6. Ichnusa tones
  7. Mare nostrum
  8. Remains
  9. The spirit of Ichnusa

Filed under: photography free time, photography of people, Travel photography Tagged: artborghi ichnusa, fotografia cabras, fotografia corsa degli scalzi, fotografia processione degli scalzi 2017, ichnusa lorenzo borghi, ichnusa photoreportage, sardegna artborghi, sardegna photo reportage