The Spirit of Bacardi: Celebrating With a Graphic Novel

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

Bacardi is capturing its unique 150-year history with a graphic novel that illustrates “The Spirit of Bacardi.” For this project, the legendary company tapped two of the most iconic contemporary graphic novelists—writer Warren Ellis and artist Michael Allred—who visualized the milestones in the brand’s odyssey to success.

The book titled “The Spirit of BACARDÍ” tells a story of Emilio Bacardí, a son of founder Don Facundo Bacardí Massó. Along with becoming the father of the legendary brand, he fought for Cuban independence in the late 1800s and was imprisoned several times because of his political activity. After long years of struggle for the better future of his land, Emilio became the first freely-elected Mayor of Santiago de Cuba. The graphic novel depicts various stages of the Bacardi brand development—the creation of the original Cuba Libre cocktail in 1900 is among their milestones.

The team behind the project literally infused the work with the Bacardi spirit. Several drops of BACARDÍ Gold rum were added to the inks, used by artist Michael Allred in making the illustrations for “The Spirit of BACARDÍ” book. The book is available for the download here or read online.