Plot: Discover the special bond — and uncommon competitive spirit — shared by the world’s Rubik’s Cube-solving record breakers in this documentary.
Runtime: 40 Minutes
There may be spoilers in the rest of the review
Verdict: Rubik Cubing Becoming the Highlight
Story: The Speed Cubers follows the build up to the 2018 world championship of Rubik Cube solving on different size levels, from 3×3 rising up through 4×4, 5×5, 6×6, with one- and two-handed styles being used. We see the two favourites lives Feliks Zemdegs the original superstar in the sport, who held all the records before Max Park arrived on the scene, started breaking records and taking the world title in the previous event.
The two are friends, with Feliks encouraging Max to continue to break his records, while getting to show the reality of what is happening with the players, growing up, becoming adults, they must face the reality of life and getting a job, while the younger players have the time to become the best in the world.
Thoughts on The Speed Cubers
Final Thoughts – The Speed Cubers brings us into this world with ease, showing how much the competition means to the players, how much this world has helped Max Park develop, as his autism had given his parents problems, this world bought him friendship and even understanding social situations like never before. Seeing what this means to the players, while maintain the friendship created between Feliks and Max is great to see and we do get to see in other competitive worlds. To make this seem like an event we would like to watch is great and showing the art behind perfecting the skill shows us just how much it means to everyone involved.
Overall: Entertaining Documentary.