The Solution to Gun Violence? A Tax, of Course…

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

As Chicago reaches 500 homicides with fatal shootings this year, what do you think the County wants to do to decrease gun violence? Harsher punishment for criminals? Reach out to the youth with gun prevention programs? Try and get gang violence under control? Silly you, you aren’t thinking like a good little liberal…

Critics question aim of $25-per-gun tax in Chicago

Fox News: With gangland shootings becoming an every-day occurrence in Chicago, the  Board of Commissioners in surrounding Cook County is trying anew to tackle the  deadly problem — with another tax. But already, some are questioning whether the move is more about making a  statement than addressing the violence.

Under the new law, Cook County is charging an additional $25 tax on every  handgun sold inside county lines.

Gun shop owner Fred Lutger said this fee targets legal gun buyers, and not  the gangsters responsible for many of Chicago’s homicides. “They make it sound like it’s a tax but it’s actually a fight against the  Second Amendment, the right to bear arms,” he said.

The new tax was sold to the public with the idea that it would offset the  public cost of medical care for shooting victims. According to Board President Toni Preckwinkle’s own numbers, that cost was  just shy of $35 million. Yet the estimated revenue for the new tax will be roughly $600,000.

Still, the tax might not be just about the money. Laurence Msall, president  of The Civic Federation in Chicago, said “it’s clear that the motivation for the  tax is not revenue. It is it is more of a public policy issue in terms of trying to deter people  from buying firearms,” Msall said.

Opponents of the law, though, warn that the tax could backfire — by driving  buyers and even businesses out of Cook County. Preckwinkle said she would be “astonished” if businesses actually left Cook  over the tax. But County Commissioner Tim Schneider said: “I think we’re astonished many  times when businesses leave the county, but they do.

Cook County has been down this road before. There is a tax on bottled water  — one of the highest sales taxes in the country. An increase in the cigarette  tax fell dramatically short of projected revenue because tobacco store owners  hoarded up the tax stamps before the increase went into effect.

The new fee in Cook County, though passed earlier in the year, comes as other  jurisdictions are examining ways to curb gun violence in the wake of the  Connecticut school shooting. While some have turned to taxes, others are calling  for bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. In Congress, Sen.  Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., plans to introduce such a bill at the federal level  during the next session.

Well this plan may certainly deter legal gun owners from purchasing another gun in Cook County. The criminals, not so much. Where there is a will, there is usually an underground (illegal) way for criminals to get what they want.