The Solar Eclipse of 26th December 2019 – Leaving Behind the Past to Build on the Future...

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

The Solar Eclipse on 26th December lands in the early degrees of Capricorn at 4.06 degrees of the sign. This eclipse is a South Node eclipse, and these kinds of ones tend to see the ending and the completion of situations that have been ongoing; issues from the past that have to be settled. There is less of a shock value with events linked to South Node eclipses, as we will have already sown the seeds of the changes that were due to arrive.

This eclipse is part of the family of eclipses Saros Series 3 South and one Bernadette Brady says is linked to "the sudden ending of associations or a relationship, possibly with a younger person. There is a large emotional component as Pluto is involved, and a sense of traumatic transformation. This can be through news received or short journeys taken".

To the nature of the eclipse. The eclipse in Capricorn will be conjunct to the planet Jupiter, which will be close in attendance at 5 degrees of the sign. Jupiter brings wisdom and expansion wherever it goes, and in this earth sign it will favour hard work and expanding businesses, taking responsibility for your actions, for strengthening and building your faith as well as the rule of law, and for making solid and permanent connections far and wide. Jupiter in Capricorn does not guarantee a free lunch as Jupiter in Sagittarius did. That transit was all about wild and untamed expansion. Now we will have to reign things in a lot, and put in the hard yards to consolidate the gains we made in the previous year, if there were any. That's what I meant about completion with this eclipse, as this will be an eclipse of putting the meat on the bones of the resources we have and turning the things we learned in the previous transit into something tangible. Yes, something may have to leave us to take the next step, and in the sign of Capricorn where much of the action and many of the planets are to be found (5 in total) there is a ruthlessness and a determination to cut out what is not needed, trim the fat and get rid of the excess. This sign hones down Jupiter and focuses the forward thinking nature of this planet onto what actually needs to be done to complete the task in hand, efficiently and without any fuss. This eclipse now and in the next 6 months will allow you to pick and choose what needs to go, or maybe the decision in this will be made for you? All this will be so that you can make the progress that the universe wants you to make.

This eclipse is also going to be connected to two other planets. The first of these is a trine to Uranus in Taurus. This trine brings an unexpected element into the mix. There will be a change, or a chance to branch out into a new direction, some technological or scientific advance or collective assistance from groups or friends. There could be shock departures that will aid your progress, or a breaking of the status quo that was sorely needed. Uranus trines bring new energies that we have to cope with, or cuts out things that have been getting stale or worn out. I see this and the Jupiter trine to this planet as wholly beneficial to get us going into the New Year with renewed hope and vigour. Yes, it will help us clear the decks for sure. A New Year and a new start to come.

Of course with anything that has to leave so that we can get on with your work and responsibilities, there will be some sadness and hurt. This will be shown through a square from the eclipse to Chiron, the wounder and healer. Chiron in Aries has just turned direct in the past week or so, as I write. In Aries this will manifest itself as direct painful hurt that bares no ongoing animosity, and allows quicker healing to happen as there is little to no residue. What this eclipse square to Chiron is telling you is take your medicine, accept that there has to be hurt and pain for a little while, but if you learn lessons and move on with things, then there is healing there to help you through until you are up to full strength again.

With the other planets on the chart, Mars in late Scorpio will be in a diverging sextile to the ongoing and closing Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Again this a constructive connection bringing opportunities for you to work hard and transform the rules and conditions that you operate under. You can may changes under the hood or bonnet of the engine so that the machinery of your life runs a bit smoother. This is like adding some turbo boost to a car or oiling the chain on a bicycle, so that it is running at peak performance. Do the background work in the coming months and then when it is time to launch a project, it will impress and get you the results that you desire.

Very interestingly, if you plot this eclipse onto a map, then it will be affecting Washington DC with the eclipse on the IC, the point of beginnings and endings on any chart. I wonder what that will preempt in terms of the future? The other points that it will affect in the globe are as follows...

On the Ascendant - The Eclipse affects Gabon, Cameroon, Chad, Libya, Western Egypt, Turkey including through Ankara, the Crimea and Black Sea and into the middle of Russia

On the Descendant - Eastern Russia

On the Midheaven - Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Central China, Mongolia and Eastern Russia

On the IC - Western Peru, Ecuador, Cuba, The Carolinas, Maryland, Washington DC, Central Pennsylvania, Central New York State and up into Ontario and Northern Canada

There is never any guarantee of any of these locations and countries being in the spotlight, but there is more of a chance in the next 6 months of these places being ones where significant change may happen than with other places on earth.

As for your eclipse - find where 4 degrees Capricorn is on your chart and that house will resonate more in the next 6 months than some other areas of life will. Those with Suns, Ascendants, angles or planets in early degrees of Cancer (Opposition), Libra or Aries (Square) may find this a challenging eclipse, as may those with birthdays in the early degrees of Capricorn who receive the conjunction. Gemini, Leo who may have to deal with difficult changes or losses as they will have to deal with an inconjunct aspect from it. Those likely to benefit will be Sun sign Taurus and Virgo natives who will enjoy a trine aspect, especially if you were born early into the sign.

I am still accepting orders for Astrology reports for the New Year. Contact me if you are interested in a written one. Please also share this article if you appreciate it. Thank you for all your support in 2019 and I am looking forward to 2020 with a new website coming and new hope with it..