The Small Screen Diaries- 10/28/24

Posted on the 29 October 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

TV Shows Watched: The Penguin: S1E6 (MAX) with audio description, Tracker: S2E3 (Paramount Plus) with audio description, The Franchise: S1E4 (MAX) with audio description, Somebody Somewhere: S3E1 (MAX) with audio description, Territory: S1E3 (Netflix) with audio description, and last Week Tonight: Most Recent (MAX) no audio description.

Podcasts: Countdown With Keith Olbermann (Politics) Streaming Things (the Penguin recap)

YouTube: Adam Does movies (Review: Venom The Last Dance) and Chris Stuckmann (review: Scream)

Movies: I watched a screener of a film coming soon to VOD. I’m fairly certain there’s no embargo, but I’m also aware that I’m unlikely to post a review before Friday. It did not have audio description. Most screeners do not.

I still adore the work Dakota, Ren, and the team at IDC are doing on The Penguin. one of my favorite tracks of the year, and one of the best shows of the year. My favorite audio description moment of the episode was describing Oz putting makeup on his mom. Really great stuff.

Somebody Somewhere has returned for its final season. It’s a very slice of life dramady, mixing humor with real life in a way that feels casually amusing, but certainly interesting. I watch too much TV, and was using the season premiere to jog my memory of Season 2, which I believe was a year and a half ago. Spring 2023 if I’m correct.The audio description is simple mostly as a result. For example, there’s a fight (for this show, anyway) about counter space usage as two people start to live together, and whether or not to put a VitaMix on the counter. A regular sitcom likely would have highlighted that joke by either having counters fully cluttered with nothing on them, or counters that are bare with plenty of space. the conversation ends up with the character who already lives there saying they only ever put the coffee maker on the counter, and no other appliances. There’s no need to accentuate the physicality of that joke, or the visual cues, because the humor is in the awkwardness of the conversation to begin with, and how it ends with “Oh my God, are we having our first fight?”, over something as benign as this. that’s kinda the tone of the series. It’s one of the reasons it remains a critical darling, but becomes hard to land comedy Emmy nominations because it isn’t the same kind of funny people are used to, though I also argue the bear is a drama.

And, yes, i did say i would stop watching Australian Yellowstone, but I’m just so compelled that Netflix went and got Deluxe for this show, when they don’t usually get Deluxe. I’m like… am i missing something? Tell me, are you enjoying Territory, and if so… why?