The Small Screen Diaries- 03/20/24

Posted on the 21 March 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

All I wanna do is talk about X-Men 97 (Disney Plus), and how the little kid in me who used to watch the X-Men animated series in the mornings and played with action figures, had the comics, and even trading cards, was so happy to see someone attempt to bring this magic back. The original series was great because it featured so many characters from over the years, and felt like it was right out of the comics. This has some original voice cast, for Storm, Wolverine, and Beast, and adds some new members to the team, with Morph and Bishop being featured in the opening credits. The first episode sees the team needing to rescue Sunspot, and deal with Sentinel tech in the wrong hands. It has excellent audio description by Jedidiah Barton and the team at Deluxe. It may be hard for me to fully grade that, since I instinctively know so much about these characters, but I looked at how Sunspot was described, and since he uses his real name (Miguel DeCosta) and not his mutant name, I think the description of him was good enough for comic fans to get whom that was, for the split second he used his powers. Two episodes dropped, I’m just talking about the first one. These X-Men now live in a world where Xavier is dead, Cyclops feels inadequate, and Jean is pregnant with something (supposedly a boy, though it should be a girl if they plan on repeating the Phoenix saga), and their new leader reveals themselves at the end. I haven’t been this excited in years.

After that, it’s hard to live up to anything else. I tried watching Nolly (PBS) with my mom, but my cable on-demand doesn’t support audio description. It has a lot of dialogue, but still, audio description would have been nice.

Why am I still watching One Day (Netflix)? I don’t like this show, and I’m six episodes in. I keep hearing it’s some great emotional rollercoaster, but I’m not connected to these characters at all. The audio description is fine, but the male lead is completely unrelatable.

The Good Doctor (Hulu) is back, and has audio description… kinda. there was this scene where the big reveal was this room being redecorated, and we got absolutely zero description of the room. Just a nice little middle finger instead. you’re right. I don’t need to know what the setup of the room now is, despite the fact that there was this “Ta-Da!” Style reveal, and I guess it’s better to leave it open to my imagination. So, I imagine that it’s a strip club now, which offends me greatly, and I’ll be writing to ABC to complain about the strip club in the office now in The Good Doctor because that’s where my imagination went. How dare they. Children could be watching.

Over at Tokyo Vice (MAX), it’s still one man attempting to do it all just by changing the inflection in his voice. Of course, it still means everyone sounds the same, just some characters speak a little softer and at a slightly higher pitch. *sigh*. I appreciate the effort, since clearly the budget wasn’t there, and at least he’s trying to do something. I’m pretty sure I finally recognized this voice, and it’s the same guy who narrates Succession. Eli?

Constellation (Apple Plus) continues to get weirder, and I’m diving into this mystery. It is becoming less clear what the show is about, but it is also becoming more and more mysterious. it might be about another dimension, or a multiverse if you will. Excellent audio description.

And I also watched an older episode of Young Sheldon (MAX) that had audio description, with Sheldon running for Class President. For a sitcom, they make the most out of their available description time.