The Slimming Effect of Verticals and How to Use Them in Your Outfit

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

I was taking some photos of my outfit for Frocktober (please make a donation here) when I realised that I’d just created a visual explanation of how verticals can be used to slim your body.  Just by pushing back my cardigan (and moving the verticals wider) I made my body look wider.  When the lapels of the cardigan just hung down they created a narrower gap, which created a slimmer vertical this elongated my body.

So if you want to use this optical illusion, when you think about garments and outfits, can you:

  • Wear an open jacket, vest or cardigan to add these vertical lines
  • Wear a long rectangular scarf, so the ends hang down your front
  • Wear garments with princess seams or panels
Elongating verticals by imogenl featuring stripe t shirts