The Simpsons Challenge Season 4 Episode 9 – Mr Plow

By Newguy

The Simpsons ChallengeThe Simpsons Challenge  Season 4  Episode 9 – Mr Plow

Season 4

Episode 9 – Mr Plow

Couch Gag – This time the sofa is gone, the family must make do with a tiny stole which ends up with a family portrait style seating.

Plot SynopsisHomer buys a truck with an attached snow plow after he destroys his car, and to pay for it, he starts a snow ploughing business, calling himself Mr. Plow. It all goes off without a hitch, until he finds himself in competition with The Plow King, a.k.a. Barney Gumbel. Now begins the winter of discontent.

What is going on reallyWe start with a snow storm hitting Springfield where Homer looks to make his way home only to crash into Marge’s car. Now homer must search for a new car which takes then to an automobile show where they meet Adam West.

Homer buys himself a snow plow hoping to make the money back during the winter months but he can’t find the business to start with. Mr Plow soon becomes the savior of the town cleaning up any snow around even getting the key to the city and inspiring Barney.

Barney goes out and becomes the Plow King, taking all of Homer’s business as the two become big rivals. The rivalry does become personal when Homer pushes the Plow King to Widow’s Peak where he becomes buried by an avalanche, meaning Homer must save the day.

Star Character

HomerThe Simpsons Challenge  Season 4  Episode 9 – Mr Plow

Final ThoughtsThis is a good fun episode that shows us the friendship between Homer and Barney that could end up being a rivalry to get one over the other, it also shows how business can last very quickly due to weather.

Rating 3/5
