The Simpsons Challenge – Season 1 – Episode 6 Moaning Lisa

By Newguy

The Simpsons Challenge

Season 1

Episode 6 Moaning Lisa

Couch Gag – This time Maggie pops out only to be caught by Marge.

Plot SynopsisA depressed Lisa’s spirit is lifted when she meets a jazz-man, Bleeding Gums Murphy.

What is going on reallyWe start with a sad Lisa staring into the mirror as Homer is frantically searching for his keys. Lisa is missing her purpose in life not enjoying family life, not enjoying music class and not being able to expressing herself through the music she loves.

When the school sends a note home Homer and Marge need to tackle the depression Lisa is feeling as she is struggling to find her place in the Earth when he sees the suffering in the world.

This episode also tackles the idea a baby would love TV over her brother or sister. On the main story we get to see how difficult the parenting side of depression really is.

When Lisa hears another saxophonist in Springfield she is drawn to the music being played by Bleeding Gums Murphy. Lisa gets to jam with Murphy who gives her a chance to express herself through music just what she always wanted.

We get our second prank phone call that Lisa normally loves but isn’t happy with, this episode does have a secondary story with Homer wanting to improve on his fighting ability on a boxing video game so he can beat Bart.

In the final moments the family come together to help Lisa enjoy the music she loves will be the most can help her deal with her problems.

Star Character


Final ThoughtsI feel this is one of the best episodes so far because it shows how at times you can just become tired with life for no reason and struggle for a couple of days with the people around you also struggle to help you. This is a story that is years before its time and could easily be one of the most important episode in television ever made.

Rating 5/5
