The Simple Guide To Buying Gifts For Young Children

By G J @myfavesjournal

I was recently talking to a girlfriend of mine who was trying to figure out what to buy her young nephew for Christmas. To a lot of my readers, the fact that we were talking about Christmas this early might shock you. But, after a long conversation, we both realised that we had no idea what gifts to buy for young kids. As it turned out, we needed all the time and preparation possible!

Because I hate defeat, I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind. So, I decided to come up with a guide that will make buying gifts for young kids easy. And, I think I have succeeded. Take a look and see if you agree.

1. Keep It Simple
Although we might like the latest in complex technology, kids are more concerned about the simple things in life. That is what makes them so loveable! I had a think back to the times that I had bought gifts for the young kids in my life, and I realised that simplicity is the best option. I think that kids get more joy from a video game or a toy helicopter, which are two incredibly simple and basic presents.

2. Use Common Sense
I don’t know if you agree, but I am the sort of person that will try and overcomplicate the gift buying process. For some reason, I get it in my head that the particular present I have chosen is not good enough. Then, I try and go out of my way to find the ‘perfect’ present. In the process, I lose sight of what makes a good present a good present. Common sense is a great tool to keep by our side while we try and navigate the minefield that is gift giving. Otherwise, we end up buying presents that have no relevance.

3. Take Advantage Of Their Hobby
Most kids have hobbies. For example, a lot of kids love to play a sport. Over here in the US, as many girls play sport as guys thanks to soccer, and the guys love to play the traditional American sports. So, a pair of cleats or a new pair of football gloves could be the best gift in the world. Anything that makes what they love to do better is always a good choice. Of course, I am not just restricting it to the world of sport because it can be anything from riding a bike to playing music.  

4. What Do They Love?
Along the same lines as hobbies, asking what they love is a simple way to get them what they want. Hobbies and interests can differ from what they love because I wouldn’t class watching TV or playing video games as a hobby! Still, it is what a lot of kids love to do, so it is a good gift at the end of the day.

5. Listen To Them
From my experience, kids are not subtle! They never hesitate to tell us what they want. All we have to do is listen and see if we can make it possible.

I hope I have made buying gifts for kids a lot easier. With Christmas on the horizon, we need all the help possible!

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Filed under: Culture, Deal Alert, Gift Ideas, Hostess, Living, Wishlist