The Side Eye!!!

By Mspositivity @Ms__Positivity
Hey there Shiners! Goodness how time zips away from us.
Can you believe its going to be 2012 in a matter of a few days?? I cant believe this.  Just the other day we were getting ready for the holidays and BAM now they are almost over! Where is the time going?? Well I'm giving the side eye to the clock  because it seems to have some tricks up its sleeve for us.                                              
And they say money goes fast well time is right on its heels.  Many of us were just getting the kids ready for school, now they are on Winter break. Many of us are still thinking about that summer vacation that we took. I remember mine like it was yesterday.  The days and night are blending together, its night when we are leaving for work, its night when we are coming home from work!!! What is going on here!?  With the time going so fast I feel like I have been robbed and I'm ready to call law enforcement because it has been stolen from us.
How have we almost gone through 365 days so fast?? Oh well Shiners.....seems like its nothing we can do BUT..... Have a fab new 2012 and keep the positive moments, talk, actions, smiles, dreams, love and laughter going for another 365 days!
That's right why feel bad because a new year is coming in! No need-this just gives us more time to be the best Shiners we can be.  Letting nothing stand in our way of being positive, supportive, grateful, thankful and humble. Oh yeah lets use this time wisely because before we know it we will be starting all over again!!
So what do ya say?!? lets make 2012 the best it can be and lets start by NOT worrying about the time that has gone by! Make new moments in the new time upon us!
We are SHINERS for a reason...we let NOTHING and NO ONE stand in our way of #SHININGON!