The Sickening, Disgusting Lunacy of US Foreign Policy and the US Deep State as an Institution

Posted on the 04 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

EPGAH: Here.

Are you really saying we’re attacking ourselves here? And how the hell did this escape the Mainstream Media’s All-Seeing Eye?

No we are not working with the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Over there we are fighting Al Qaeda and of course we are fighting the Taliban.

On the other hand, in Syria, Yemen and Iran, we are supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda. But in Yemen, we are also attacking Al Qaeda sometimes. So in Yemen we are attacking Al Qaeda and supporting them at the same time.

But we are also attacking ISIS in Syria at the same time. So in Syria, we are attacking ISIS and supporting them at the same time.

And in Iraq we are attacking ISIS. However, there is excellent evidence that the US and British have been airdropping supplies to ISIS for many months now, especially over by Fallujah. I am not sure if we are still doing that. But at least a year ago, we were both supplying and fighting ISIS at the same time in Iraq!

It’s all bullshit!

The Deep State is stark raving bonkers. This is the sheer lunacy and wickedness of US global politics and US foreign policy. It’s stark raving utterly batshit insane.

This is America folks! All you patriots, this is your country! See that red, white and blue? That’s what it stands for, the devious and mindbendingly conspiratorial utter craziness of US foreign policy and the US Deep State.

I have nothing against US patriots. But if you love your country, why do you put up with the crap above? If you love that flag and those colors, why don’t you protest the wicked idiocy done in their name by the arch-criminal Deep State above? If it bothers you, why don’t you raise your voice? You say you love your country. You say this is a good country. Well, as long as we are acting like we are above, I assure you we are not a good country! But a patriot who loves his country ought to want to be sure his country is on the side of the good, that it’s actually a good country to be proud of.

If you love the US, I have nothing against you. But you should want the best for your country. If you really love America, you patriots will stand up against the crimes that are committed in your name.

A patriotard says, “My country right or wrong hurrrrr durrrrrr.”

A patriot says, “I love my country. I want my country to be a good country. And I will fight anyone trying to tarnish the name of my good country by the disgusting phony wickedness above.”

Come on patriots. Speak up for your country! I will even stand next to you and wave that damn flag if you do it!