A new generation of hyper-connected and hyperinformed consumers is reclaiming control: they are establishing their status as an inescapable partner for brands. With the advent of Instagram particularly, consumers are becoming trendsetters themselves, full-fledged influencers. They share their finds with their communities, revealing themselves, or flaunting themselves in some cases, making commitments and voicingopinions.This is what we have called the showroomisation trend*: it is no longer the product that makes the consumer, but the consumer that makes the product. .... “consumers play the parts of art directors, designers, architects, merchandisers, visual communication experts or even sales ambassadors”Intreseting, isn't it? This is a fact, but I doubt that we can call it a trend - it is just a reality that is going to stay, like the reality of the growing eco-conscious attitude which is here to stay, too. Trends are something less permanent that shows a direction, a process of change.
Have you heard this term already? It has been coined as a result of analysing the theme chosen by the M&O Observatory for the coming this January Maison et Objet 2018 - Show-Room: