The Shockalot Box by @janebadrock

By Pamelascott

The Shockalot Box is an assorted collection of dark, twisty tales. Some are short, some are bitter-sweet and some are downright gross. Pick and mix stories in this unique collection to create an appetising five-course dinner of delight.


[I don't know where I came from: what pox-ridden loins from which I was spawned, but I do know I have been travelling all my life - THE TRAVELLER]


(Independently Published, 23 January 2o19, 177 pages, ebook, copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed)



I love horror fiction. I love short story collections. I loved the title of this collection when the author asked me to review it. Win, win and win. I really like the way the collection is organised into sections like a dinner menu (Appetisers, Starters etc). There are forty stories in this collection, many of them very short. I tend to enjoy shorter stories so this was a treat. The stories are very British and there's a lot of humour here which I found delightful. I liked the fact the stories use different styles and techniques. I don't like story collection where the pieces are samey. The standout story was The Deconstruction of Hugo Hamilton. This should be a novel and a movie and maybe a TV series. I also enjoyed Immigrants, Bloody Mary, The Traveller, The Child Eater, Who The F*ck is Dave? and Peanuts.