The Sexual Revolution Hurts Everyone, Especially Children

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Playboy magazine, an icon of the Sexual Revolution, has seen its circulation plummet from 5.6 million in 1975 to 800,000 today.

The magazine recently announced that it will no longer have nude photos, long seen as a Playboy hallmark. In fact, Playboy‘s website got rid of nudity more than a year ago, in August 2014, which was followed by a jump for the site from 4 million unique users to roughly 16 million.

Some may say that Playboy dropping female nude pics is a sign of the waning of the Sexual Revolution. A more likely reason is Playboy‘s recognition of its irrelevance, given the widespread availability of not just nude pics, but hard core porn on the Internet.

Below are excerpts from an essay by Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., in Crisis Magazine, Oct. 22, 2015. Morse is the author of The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims (2015), and the founder and president of The Ruth Institute, a non-profit organization committed to addressing the lies created by the Sexual Revolution.

The Sexual Revolution has harmed millions of people. Just to take one of the issues most immediately before the Synod: divorce and unmarried parenthood.

  • About 1 million children per year have experienced their parents’ divorce, every year since 1972.
  • Over a million children have been born to unmarried parents, every year since 1988. In 2008 alone, 1.7 million children were born to unmarried parents.
  • By 2010, about 20 million children were living in single parent households.
  • These are just the children in the United States. Many other developed countries have similar rates of family brokenness.

We now know that kids are not “resilient.” They do not “get over it.” We know this from decades of careful research. We know if from experience. In fact, according to Judith Wallerstein, author of a 25-year study on the long-term legacy of divorce, the impact of divorce on children does not diminish with time. It “crescendos” in young adulthood, as they try to form relationships and marriages and families of their own.

Kids need their own parents. I learned from my experience as an adoptive mom, a foster mom, and a birth mom, all kids want the same thing. They want their parents to be there for them, and be appropriate parents. No matter how old the kids are, no matter what their parents have done, all kids of all ages, long for their parents to get it together and be good parents.

The Sexual Revolution has taught us that adults are entitled to have the sex lives they want, with a minimum of inconvenience. What we never hear anyone come out and say is: “And kids have to accept whatever the adults chose to give them. You don’t usually hear people blurt out that last part, because we would be too ashamed of ourselves.

The Sexual Revolution promised fun and freedom. It delivered hurt and heartbreak. With the possible exception of a handful of predatory Alpha Males, everyone in society has been harmed, men, women and children, rich and poor alike.

I will let you in on a secret: the reason kids keep getting separated from their parents is because the victims, the kids, are not allowed to speak for themselves. As children, their parents expected them to accept whatever was going on around them, without complaining. And children, eager to please their parents, fearful of losing the parents’ love, kept quiet. Even as adults, the Children of Divorce and the Children of Unmarried Parents, are expected to keep quiet, and go along with the program.

Silencing the Victims has been crucial to the success of the Sexual Revolution. If you doubt me, consider these facts:

  • The state of California just passed legislation requiring pregnancy care centers to announce that they do not do abortions, and to post signs telling women where they can get abortions. Why? The Revolutionaries cannot stand the thought of women seeking alternatives to abortion, or regretting their abortions. Women who do not fit the “narrative” must be silenced.
  • The Huffington Post has a regular feature called “Blended Family Friday.” Their stated purpose is, I’m not making this up, “Our hope is that by telling their stories, we’ll bring you closer to blended family bliss in your own life!”  Is there a comparable site for children of all ages who were miserable in stepfamilies? To the best of my knowledge, the Ruth Institute’s Kids Divorce Stories is the only thing remotely like it.
  • How about all the career women, who put off having children for too long? I estimate that there are over 500,000 women with Masters Degrees or more education, who have impaired fertility. What does the Sexual Revolution have to offer them? Commercial third party reproduction, a complete separation of sex from love and reproduction, is supposed to make up for all the losses we experience.

The solution is for all the victims of the Sexual Revolution to speak up, and tell the truth about how they were harmed. Telling that truth is the first step away from being a victim, to becoming a survivor. Anyone of us can take that step.

What I would add to Morse’s essay is this:

Unborn children are the real victims of the Sexual Revolution — to the tune of more than 54.5 million abortions in the U.S. since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Worldwide, more than 1.73 billion unborn children were aborted since 1973, or an average of 43.25 million abortions each year.

Are there children of divorce among FOTM’s readers?

Are there women and men among our readers who have been hurt by the Sexual Revolution?

Please share your stories with us. Telling the truth is the first step away from being a victim. Help us unmask the Sexual Revolution and expose it for what it really is.

See also:
