The Sere and Yellow Leaf....and a Winner

By Elizabethwix

Almost Thanksgiving and the leaves are hanging on - well at least some of them...

Here on The High Line they are positively technicolored.

You can sort of see 21st Street through the railing.

Rather brown on the ground on 22nd Street.

Rose hips at Union Square

and my best leaf of the week - also at Union Square.

The latest gleanings from the roof. The things that look like wallflowers are flowers from the herb tarragon -which I foolishly planted and no one ever used - everything very fall color-like.

Last photo is of the dog looking quite fall-colorlike too.
And the lucky winner of the NOVICA    $50 gift code, chosen at random from the commenters, is Donna Baker of I'm sure Donna will be able to find herself or a friend a lovely handcrafted treat.