The Senate Just Became A Democracy. Harry Reid And The Nuclear Option.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Harry and the Boys just crossed a 200 year old line in the sand.

What’s that you say we are a Democracy? Nope sorry , but we are a

Constitutional Republic/ Federal Republic depending on who you ask. The difference is in a Democracy the Majority/Mob rules. A simple majority.

In other words Mob rules. Here’s an example.

You have 100 people 60 Men and 40 Women.

Certain Men want to rape the Women and they keep voting on it , but they keep losing by a vote of 59-41. So they can not rape.

Now simple rule change and “Democracy/Mob Rule” they vote and it is now 51-49 Men win and get to rape Women. Do you now see why it was important to keep the vote at 60.

But Karma is a Bitch and after 2014 the Demtards will have to pay the piper.


Legal expert says Senate Dems’ nuclear option could lead to ‘mass destruction’

Published November 21, 2013   Jay Sekulow, the Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice , told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Thursday Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to invoke the so-called “nuclear option” could change the face of the federal judiciary, saying “when you use a nuclear weapon there is mass destruction.”

Sekulow said on “The Kelly File” the Senate decision to approve a rule change that strips the minority party of its primary power to block nominations could be a slippery slope.

“I think Supreme Court nominees aren’t going to be off the table either, I don’t think legislation is off the table,” Sekulow said. “I think what Harry did today was use the nuclear option and Megyn, when you use a nuclear weapon there is mass destruction.”

He said Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, Obama appointees considered to be very liberal, could seem moderate in comparison to future appointees in other federal courts.


“The president said he wants to remake the federal judiciary and you can imagine the image in which that is going to be remade,” he said.

However, Sekulow said the Democrats’ move may backfire, because Republicans will be able to do the same when they regain the majority in the chamber and there is a Republican in the White House.

“The fact of the matter is they need to play tough too because it is good for both, this is not a one-way ratchet here,” he said.
