Scott Calvin and his young son Charlie are spending Christmas Eve in his house. When Charlie hears something during the night they head outside and Santa falls off the roof and disappears, making Scott the new Santa!
A year quickly goes past as we head into the following Christmas. No-one believes Charlie about the story of going to the North Pole and obviously Scott does not want to become Santa, he doesn’t really have much choice in this matter when his beard grows back within minutes and his weight is uncontrollable. All of the small traits showing that he is transforming into Santa, something that Scott does not want to believe himself.
The film is full of Christmas magic and really does get to you, I am sure you will see that it is on TV loads over the festive period. I always find myself watching this one each year, it really does have something about it. I am who would think that Tim Allen as Santa would actually work? But honestly it just so does.
This is certainly one of those films that I can remember watching as a child and always found it to be special. Who wouldn’t like to think that their dad could become Santa? It is such a nice thought. I think about big thing about this one is that it has aged pretty well, smack in the 90s but it is still good to watch now. Something that doesn’t really happen very often with films.
Charlie is cute and not too annoying, which is always a big risk with children in films. No-one believes him about any of it and he is put in counseling which makes sense as he does sound crazy. The North Pole looks good and you cannot help but love the Elf’s.
So if you are looking for a film to watch that has some Christmas magic and will make you feel like a child again, look no further than this one. It really does have the magic of Santa and will make you want to believe all over again and again. I am sure most people have seen this one, as it is constantly on in December. But that is not a bad thing everyone should share the love for this film.