The classic short story collection by Neil Gaiman and a host of renowned artists is back! Alternately haunting, bittersweet, erotic, and nightmarish, the seven stories in this book-one for each of the Endless siblings, each illustrated by a different artist-reveal strange secrets and surprising truths about the Endless.
They used up their futures as they used up their past, taking everything in one long day, over and over. CHAPTER 1, DEATH
(@vertigo_comics, 27 August 2019, first published 2003, ebook, 153 pages, bought from @AmazonKindle)
This is the final volume in The Sandman. However, it doesn't continue the events played out in the last volume The Wake but rather contains a short story about Dream and each of the Endless, beautifully illustrated as ever. The Endless are the only recurring characters and the other characters in each story are new to the series. I enjoyed all of the stories especially Fifteen Portraits of Despair and Going Inside, stories about Despair and Delirium, my favourite Endless after Dream of course. Fifteen Portraits of Despair stands out from the other stories. I loved the art work and the darkness throughout the story. I thought this was a great collection.