The Sales Crime Policeman by David j Rollins- a Book Review

By Gpangel @gpangel1
The Sales Crime Policeman by David J. Rollins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Sales Crime Policeman by David Rollins is a 2013 Quill Kill publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
In the future, door-to-door sales has been outlawed, but that doesn't stop desperate salesmen from falling to those depths.
Telepathic Vacuum Cleaner Salesperson Police Officers enforce the laws for their market segment. They are an elite force of officers trained to fight sales crimes. Every day, they patrol neighborhood floors armed with security strength vacuums, looking for signs of sales abuse and bad consumer decisions. And they do what they do without any desire for recognition. To prove that, they give up their names when they become officers. Then again, they don't have a choice. It is department policy.
One Telepathic Vacuum Cleaner Salesperson Policeman decides he wants his name back, but he needs to do more than just complain to his best friend about it. He has been doing that for a while, and it hasn't worked so far. He needs influence.
When he starts on the trail of one of the most wanted criminals in his department, he might just get his wish. He only has to catch her, but that is not an easy task. And the closer he gets, the more he finds out just how wanted she is.
This humorous science fiction novel gets a gold star for imagination and for a very entertaining, whimsical book with loads of allegory . It's snarky and sarcastic and for some reason it I get the feeling the author is a fan of Phillip Dick.
I loved the door-to-door salesperson being banned. I had to giggle over that and then of the Spouse service that would create the perfect mate for you based on you specifications. Was Nulla real or a genuine real life human being? Well, our no named policeman can't believe his luck when he meets her and starts to fall in love with her. But, lo and behold it turns out the lady is a criminal. What to do? Well, he is a policeman so he feels he must do his duty and well, he might, just might be able to make a name for himself.
This is a well crafted novel, obviously well thought out and plotted, sharp and clever and a very enjoyable read. I have give this author credit for creating something outside the box and finding a way to address issues in society in an overblown way that make it all seem so silly when you look at it like that. If you have a sense of humor you should check this one out, even if you don't usually read science fiction because really it's only technically SF. It's set in the future and all the consequences of our past decisions have taken a toll on the society of the future.
This one is a five star rating.
On a personal note I would like to thank the author for his incredible patience. He sent me this book for a review a long while back and in between reading device changes his book got lost in the shuffle. I finally found it already loaded onto my new kindle -it just got placed in the wrong folder. This author is a great example of how to approach a reviewer you haven't heard from in awhile. Very, very professional and I certainly appreciate it.
David Rollins is a paralegal by day, husband by night, and sometimes finds time to write. As a young man, he had had different plans, but that’s the way life works out most of the time.
David has been writing since Seventh Grade. He started with the adventures of Super Pimp and his sidekick Squirt. His hero was Philip K. Dick, who strangely enough did not write about things like Pimps and Squirts. Like any fan, David wanted to follow in his hero’s footsteps. Unlike most fans, he wanted to follow them even after finding out that his hero, at one point in his life, was so poor that he resorted to eating dog food. What David lacked in aspirations, he made up for in determination.
From those humble beginnings, David became the man he is today. He is happier than he ever thought he would be and is living a life he never imagined in his wildest dreams. And that’s the way David’s life worked out. He was and is very lucky.
As further proof of his luck, David has lost every one of the stories about Super Pimp and his sidekick Squirt. He has also never had to eat dog food.