The Saffron Brigade

Posted on the 06 May 2013 by Calvinthedog

Frightening video about Hindutvadis (Hindu Nazis) in India. Note how the Hindutvadi talks about sending all Indian Muslims back to Pakistan. This is the “unfinished partition” that the Hindutvadis are always talking about.

They talk about a “genocide” of Pakistani Hindus and imply that there needs to be similar treatment of Indian Muslims. The truth is that there was no genocide of Pakistani Hindus. The population did decline from 20% to 2% from 1947 to present, but the vast majority of them were surely not killed, though some were. Most simply converted to Islam (though there were a number of more or less forced conversions, often of young Hindu women). The rest simply emigrated to India.

This collapse of a minority in a Muslim state is typical of most Muslim states. The minorities are persecuted so much that over time, they slowly convert to Islam to get better treatment. In some cases, there is mass emigration, though historically this has not been typical.

In many countries, a Muslim minority conquered the land and ruled over a non-Muslim majority. Once again, over time, the infidel majority simply converted to Islam to avoid persecution. In a few places such as the Balkans, Iberia and India, this did not occur. Muslim minorities ruled Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Bulgaria in the Balkans, Spain and Portugal in Iberia and all of India for centuries though the populations remained either Christian or Hindu in the case of India.

It would be interesting to see why some non-Muslim majorities refused to convert to Islam while others did. Hindus do not have any special immunity to Islam. In Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, there was mass conversion of Hindus to Islam for some reason, while in the core of India, “the cow belt” and in the South there was little conversion.

Nor do Christians have special immunity to Islam? Neither do they. Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt were formerly Christian lands that mass converted to Islam.

The pre-Muslim religions of Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, the Gulf, the Gulf, the Stans, Xinjiang, the Caucasus and Indonesia are not well known.

In Iran, the population was mostly Zoroastrian with some Christians mixed in. The Zoroastrians probably experienced one of the worst mass conversions to Islam ever seen for unknown reasons.