The Rollercoaster That is Rowing

By Girlontheriver @girlontheriver

The constant rollercoaster of rowing
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Ah, what a difference a day makes. On Saturday I was the world’s worst rower. Really, I was. We had an outing where every stroke was an effort, my technique was all over the place and the balance was dreadful. I seriously wondered if I should just give up rowing altogether. The only thing that stopped me was the small matter of a rowing blog.

And then a day passed and the sun came out. Sunday dawned bright and beautiful. We had an outing bathed in sunshine (I actually caught the sun. I know. In March.) Everything flowed and I even won the Catch of the Day award (not, I hasten to add, for catching a crab, but for having the crispest catch).

The joy was shortlived, though. Monday has brought crippling back pain that has me doubled over like a geriatric.

Sigh. Is it just me, or is rowing the most up-and-down sport there is?

There is some good news in all of this, though. According to an article in Saturday’s Daily Telegraph, one of the secrets to a long and healthy life is to “find an exercise or activity you’re bad at and stick to it”. So if, like me, you struggle with your sport, remember this. When the rollercoaster is plummeting towards the earth and you wonder if you’re just not cut out for your chosen sport, you’re actually doing your health a favour. Being bad at rowing is really, really good for you.